Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Agenda – Projects Committee

November 2, 2017 – 8:00 a.m.

1.  Chair’s Report:  Mark Miller

2.  Director’s Report:  Dan Morrill

3.  Restoration Plan For The Charles E. Barnhardt House, 2733 Country Club Lane, Charlotte.
Click Here for Map of Property

Sandy Carnegie is overseeing the process of closing on the property, which should occur by November 13th.

Staff will be moving ahead with cleaning up the property and acquiring the statuary which was removed from the property by the previous owner.

Peter Wasmer, Project Manager, will be developing a Request For Qualifications which will form the basis of the bid process.  Staff will limit consideration of bids from parties who had demonstrated experience with working on historic structures.


4.  Status Report On The Edward M. Rozzel Farm, 11601 Old Rozzelles Ferry Road, Charlotte.
Click Here for Map of Property 

The property is under contract.  The Due Diligence period will end in December.  Two issues have arisen:

Furniture was removed from White Oak when the property was sold.  It is stored in the c. 1950 house on the Rozzel Farm.  The prospective buyer has expressed interest in the furniture.  Staff believes that the best use of the furniture would be to have it used as part of the improvement of the Rozzel Farm.  There would also be expense in moving the furniture elsewhere.  Therefore, Staff recommends that the furniture be conveyed to the prospective buyer if they close on the property.  

Trash has been illegally dumped on the property.  Peter Wasmer will be overseeing its removal and will attempt to ascertain who was responsible. 

5.  Status Report On The Torrence Lytle School, 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville.
Click Here for Map of Property  

The Commission has approved placing the entire property on the market.  If the property does not sell within a reasonable period, six months to one year, the Commission will consider demolishing all but the original school building and placing the property on the market again.

The Commission needs to select a realtor.

Staff has advised the Commission that water is penetrating the roofs of the buildings.  Repairs are needed.

The County continues to upfit the school’s gymnasium as a community recreation center.

6.  Status Report On The Walnut Avenue Project, 817-19 and 821 Walnut Avenue, Charlotte.  Click Here for Map of Property

Bobby Drakeford has applied for rezoning of the property.  He has informed Staff that he anticipates approaching the Commission in February with a specific proposal of how the Commission might be involved in the project.

7.  Status Report On The Wadsworth House Project, 400 South Summit Avenue, Charlotte.
Click Here for Map of Property  

The Consulting Director and Mark Miller met with Pat Mills, realtor, and Shirley Fulton, owner of the property.  The Wadsworth House will be actively marketed.  Staff believes that the private market should be given the opportunity to purchase and preserve the house.

The owner is not interested in placing preservation covenants on the house. 

8.  Status Report On The VanLandingham Estate, 2010 The Plaza, Charlotte.  Click Here for Map of Property  

9.  Status Report On Former Fire Station Number Ten, 2136 Remount Road, Charlotte.  Click Here for Map of Property

Staff is scheduled to meet on November 13th with County officials to discuss preservation strategies for Former Fire Station Number 10 and the adjoining Dowd House.

10.  Paying Owners For Preservation Deed Covenants

11.  Old Business

12.  New Business



1. Chair’s Report:  Mark Miller

2. Consulting Director’s Report:  Dan Morrill

3. Update on the Rozzel Farm:  Dan Morrill and Eric Gamble

The prospective buyer has withdrawn the letter of intent. Eric Gamble, realtor, will be exposing the property for MLS listing. HLC Staff will meet with Brian Jenest to consider development options for the property.

4. Update on Possible Participation in the Preservation of Houses
in Wesley Heights: Dan Morrill and Bobby Drakeford

Description of Wesley Heights Project – Walnut Avenue

Bobby Drakeford, the developer, will be submitting a rezoning application for the properties at 817-819 and 821 Walnut Avenue. Mr. Drakeford is seeking HLC participation in the improvement of the property. Specifically, he proposes that the HLC purchase, preserve, and sell the existing house and duplex. Mr. Drakeford would subdivide the property, purchase the rear portion, and construct townhouses. HLC Staff understands that this proposal would have to go through the standard due diligence process. Staff is enthusiastic about possible HLC involvement because the project would demonstrate how preservation can be compatible with new construction. 

5. Update on Status of the Charles E. Barnhardt House:  Dan Morrill, Stewart Gray, Jay Rhodes

Due Diligence and Appraisal
Request for Board Action
Barnhardt Comps from August 31, 2016
Comparable Listings from the Past Year and Comparative Market Analysis

Jay Rhodes, of the County Asset and Facility Management department, has informed HLC Staff that Peter Wasmer, Project Manager for the Barnhardt project, is on leave until October 22nd. In view of this fact, the County will need to have the HLC hire and pay a Project Manager to assume all or some part of the management of the upfit of the house and grounds. This will add some costs to the project.

6. Update on Status of the Torrence Lytle School:  Dan Morrill and Sandy Carnegie

If the prospective buyer does not close on the property, the HLC has decided to expose the property to the market for a period of one year. The Commission will need to select a realtor to market the property.

7. Old Business

The County has obtained its appraisal of the James C. Dowd House and Former Charlotte Fire Station Number 10.  Stewart Gray will complete the physical description of the interior of Former Fire Station Number 10 when the County completes the environmental cleanup of the building.  The County will be holding discussions with the HLC Staff about preservation strategies for the properties.

8. New Business


  1. Chair’s Report:  Mark Miller 
  2. Consulting Director’s Report:  Dan Morrill 
  3. Consideration of the Prospective Sale Of The Rozzel Farm 
  4. Consideration of Involvement in the Preservation of Houses in Wesley Heights 
  5. Consideration of Involvement in the Preservation of the VanLandingham Estate 
  6. Update on Status of the Charles E. Barnhardt House 
  7. Update on Status of the Torrence Lytle School 
  8. Consideration of Involvement in the Preservation of the Wadsworth House 
  9. Old Business 
  10. New Business

Projects Committee Meeting
October 7, 2016
8:30 am
1.  Report of the Projects Committeee Chair — John Shurley
2.  Report of the HLC Chair — Len Norman
3.  Report of the Consulting Director — Dan Morrill
4.  Update on the Walters Barbershop.  112-114 South Main Street, Huntersville, N.C.
The prospective buyer has deposited the earnest money and is currently in his 60-day examination period.
5.  Update on the Charles E. Barnhardt House.  2733 Country Club Lane, Charlotte, N.C. The Commission has submitted a contract to purchase.  The owner has commented on the contract.  HLC Attorney Sandy Carneigie has responded to the owner’s comments.  Mike Ogburn has visited the property to begin his appraisal.
 6.  Update on General Motors New Look Bus.
Staff has been working to obtain an estimate on the installation of air conditioning for the bus.  Staff estimates that the Commission will be asked to authorize the expenditure of additional money to upfit the bus.  So far the Commission has spent $49,244.  The Commission has authorized the expenditure of up to $50,000 for the upfit of the bus.  Click Here For A Video Of The General Motors New Look Bus
Staff has submitted the draft of an agreement to CATS for storage and routine maintenance of the bus.
7.  Consideration Of An Offer To Purchase The Delburg Mill House.  303 Delburg St., Davidson, N.C.  The Commission has received an offer to purchase the house.  The Committee will consider its recommendation to the Commission.
8. Update of the Phillips House and Morris Barn. 131 W. Charles St., Matthews, N.C.
Brian Jenest will be working with the Commission to plan a community meeting to seek input regarding future development options for the property.  Click Here For A Video Of The Phillips House And Morris Barn
9.  Discussion of Marketing Strategy for the Edward M. Rozzel Farm.  11647 Old Rozzelles Ferry Rd., Charlotte, N.C.
Staff will be producing a document setting forth parameters for development of the property.  An appraisal of the property has been completed.  Click Here For Photographs Of The Rozzel Farm   Click here for Development Options
10.  Consideration Of An Offer To Purchase The Torrence Lytle School.  302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C.  The Commission has received an offer to purchase the Torrence Lytle School.  It has also received bids for the environmental cleanup of the buildings.
11.  Old Business.
12.  New Business.

Projects Committee Meeting
September 6, 2016
9:00 am
1.  Report of the Chair — Len Norman 
2.  Report of the Consulting Director — Dan Morrill
3.  Update on the Walters Barbershop.  112-114 South Main Street, Huntersville, N.C.
The prospective buyer has deposited the earnest money and is currently in his 60-day examination period.
4.  Update on the Charles E. Barnhardt House.  2733 Country Club Lane, Charlotte, N.C.  Click Here For Photographs Of House
Staff has submitted an offer to purchase four lots as the site for the Charles E. Barnhardt House.  The owner has submitted his response with comments. Sandy Prosser has reviewed the document and has made comments. City planners have removed the requirement for a connector street if the developer provides a pedestrian walkway.  This means the entire house can be saved.  Staff has begun due diligence on the house.  Stewart Gray is completing the Survey and Research Report, and Staff is preparing the documents to seek County approval of the expenditure of funds if the Commission votes to move forward with the purchase. 
5.  Update on Streetcar 85.
The Commission is obligated to provide a generator and a cart for the operation of the Streetcar.  Specifications have yet to be provided by the North Carolina Transportation Museum.  The Lakewood Trolley Group continues to say that it will be ready to have the streetcar come back to Charlotte in the near future.  
6.  Update on General Motors New Look Bus.
Staff has been working to obtain an estimate on the installation of air conditioning for the bus.  Staff estimates that the Commission will be asked to authorize the expenditure of additional money to upfit the bus.  So far the Commission has spent $49,244.  The Commission has authorized the expenditure of up to $50,000 for the upfit of the bus.  
Staff has submitted the draft of an agreement to CATS for storage and routine maintenance of the bus.
7.  Update on Phillips House and Morris Barn, 131 W. Charles St., Matthews, N.C.
The County has terminated the contract with the Adams Group to solicit community attitudes about future development of the property.  Staff is seeking another consultant to oversee the process.
8.  Discussion of Marketing Strategy for the Edward M. Rozzel Farm.  11647 Old Rozzelles Ferry Rd., Charlotte, N.C.
Staff is developing proposed parameters for development of the property.  Realtor Eric Gamble has visited the site and is preparing recommendations for marketing the property.  An appriasal of the property is underway. Click here for Development Options.
9.  Discussion of Marketing Strategy for the Delburg Cotton Mill House.  303 Delburg St., Davidson, N.C.
10.  Update on the Torrence Lytle School.  The Commission has voted to clean all buildings environmentally and to stabilize the original school building.  Bids for the environmental cleanup have been let and will be opened on September 23rd.  A prospective buyer has stated interest in purchasing the property once the cost for environmental cleanup is determined.
11.  Old Business
12.  New Business