Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Agenda – HLC Meeting

The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, June 10 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on June 10 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.

1.  Adoption of the Consent Agenda

a.  Approval of May HLC Minutes

2.  Mecklenburg Historical Association Ex-Officio Member Introduction  

3.  Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke

a.  Committee Assignments for FY25

4.  Public Comment Period

Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.

5.  Discussion of Potential Purchase of Cornelius Agriculture Building, 21126 Catawba Avenue, Cornelius

6.  Survey Committee Report: Lesley Carroll  Survey Committee Minutes

Survey Committee May Meeting Agenda

7.  Community Outreach Committee Report: Victoria Grey

8.  Nominating Committee Report: Dontressa Ashford

9.  Historic Landmarks Staff Report

a.  Staff Revolving Fund Recommendations

10.  Old Business

11.  New Business

The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, May 13 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on May 13 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.

1.  Adoption of the Consent Agenda

a.  Approval of April HLC Minutes

b.  Certificate of Appropriateness Application for the Quartermaster Depot, 201 Camp Road, Charlotte

Staff Report

2.  Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke

3.  Public Comment Period

Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.

4.  Quasi-Judicial Hearing for the Carolina Theater, 230 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte

Staff Report

5.  Consideration of Amendment to the Historic Landmarks Commission’s Rules of Procedure

Proposed Changes to the Rules of Procedure

Staff recommends that the Commission adopt a motion stating that properties with a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition that is active as of May 1, 2024, will not be subject to this policy. 

6.  Executive Committee Report: Brian Clarke

Executive Committee Minutes

a.  Edgewood Farm, 11132 Eastfield Road, Huntersville

b.  Cornelius High School Agriculture Building, 21126 Catawba Avenue, Cornelius

7.  Survey Committee Report: Lesley Carroll

The Survey Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 22 at 6pm. 

8.  Community Outreach Committee Report: Victoria Grey

a.  Adventure Club Four Wards of Charlotte Bike Tour: May 18

9.  Nominating Committee: Brian Clarke 

10.  Historic Landmarks Staff Report

a.  Newest Landmarks: Thompson-Anderson House, 858 Concord Road, Davidson, and Parkwood Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1017 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte

11.  Old Business

12.  New Business

The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, April 8 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on April 8 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.

1.  Adoption of the Consent Agenda

a.  Approval of March HLC Minutes

2.  Closed Session With Counsel  

3.  Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke

4.  Public Comment Period

Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.

5.  Update on Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, 7407 Steele Creek Road, Charlotte   

Development Plan

6.  Public Hearings

Registration in advance is encouraged but not required to speak during the Public Hearings. You may register by either emailing by 4pm on April 8 OR stating in the Teams chat BEFORE the Public Hearing starts that you want to speak. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person.  

a.  Parkwood Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1017 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte

Map of Property

Designation Report

SHPO Staff Comments

Designation would include the exterior of the building and the approximately 0.606 acres of land listed under Tax Parcel #08309309. 

Parkwood Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

b.  Thompson-Anderson House, 858 Concord Road, Davidson

Map of Property

Designation Report

SHPO Staff Comments

Designation would include the interior and exterior of the building and the approximately 0.535 acres of land listed under Tax Parcel #00729301.   

Thompson-Anderson House

c.  Amendment to the Historic Landmarks Commission’s Rules of Procedure

Proposed Changes to Rules of Procedure

7.  Quasi-Judicial Hearings

a.  Pineville Commercial Block, 316 North Main Street, Pineville

b.  W.D. Beaty House, 2400 Park Lane, Charlotte

Staff Report

c.  Charles and Laura Alexander House, 203 S. Church Street, Huntersville

Staff Report

8.  Survey Committee Report: Victoria Grey 

Survey Committee Minutes

a.  Consideration of Designation Reports

i.  John Phillips Little Jr. House, 1136 Queens Road, Charlotte

The Survey Committee reached a consensus to recommend to the Historic Landmarks Commission that it process the John Phillips Little Jr. House, 1136 Queens Road, Charlotte, N.C., for historic landmark designation, including the interior and exterior of the main house, the exterior of the servant’s quarters/guest house, and the land associated with the tax parcel.

John Phillips Little Jr. House

ii.  Alexander-Howell House, 250 Cherokee Road, Charlotte

The Survey Committee reached a consensus to recommend to the Historic Landmarks Commission that it process the Alexander-Howell House, 250 Cherokee Road, Charlotte, N.C., for historic landmark designation, including the exterior and interior of the house, including the specified architectural elements as detailed in the designation report, and the land associated with the tax parcel.

Alexander-Howell House

b.  Consideration of Placement on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks

i.  Marsh House, 1642 Hertford Road, Charlotte

The Survey Committee reached a consensus to place the Marsh Home, 1642 Hertford Road, Charlotte, N.C., on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks.

Marsh House

ii.  Charlotte Junior League Baby Home, 1925 Bay Street, Charlotte

The Survey Committee reached a consensus to place the Charlotte Junior League Baby Home, 1925 Bay Street, Charlotte, N.C., on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks.

Charlotte Junior League Baby Home

iii.  Davenport-Rogers House, 9416 Walkers Ferry Road, Charlotte

The Survey Committee reached a consensus to place the Davenport-Rogers House, 9416 Walkers Ferry Road, Charlotte, N.C., on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks.

Davenport-Rogers House

9.  Property Updates: Brian Clarke 

a.  J.J. Akers House, 6501 Sardis Road, Charlotte

b.  Steele Creek Manse, 7728 Steele Creek Road, Charlotte

c.  Smith-Richter House, 1030 Huntington Park Drive, Charlotte

d.  Cornelius High School Agriculture Building, 21126 Catawba Avenue, Cornelius

Update on the plan for the adaptive reuse of the school building, and a discussion of the potential for the HLC to use their Revolving Fund to support the effort.

10.  Financial Report: Stewart Gray

11.  Historic Landmarks Staff Report

a.  Parkwood Avenue ARP Church, 1017 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte

Charlotte City Council’s public hearing for this property is scheduled for April 22.

b.  Thompson-Anderson House, 858 Concord Road, Davidson

The Town of Davidson’s public hearing for this property is scheduled for April 23.

c.  This is Meck 250 Kickoff Festival: April 20, Independence Park

d.  Adventure Club Four Wards of Charlotte Bike Tour: May 18

e.  Preservation North Carolina 2024 Conference: October 16, Rocky Mount & Tarboro

f.  Donovan Rypkema Lecture: October 24, The Dubois Center at UNC Charlotte Center City  

12.  Old Business

13.  New Business

Potential HLC Logos

The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, March 11 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on March 11 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.

1.  Adoption of the Consent Agenda

a.  Approval of February HLC Minutes

b.  Certificate of Appropriateness Application for the Grinnell/General Fire Extinguisher Company, 1435 W. Morehead Street, Charlotte

Staff Report

2.  Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke

3.  Public Comment Period

Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.

4.  Presentation from Shaun Carter, Mecklenburg County Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer  

5.  Quasi-Judicial Hearings

a.  Pineville Commercial Block, 316 North Main Street, PinevilleDeferred to April 8 Meeting

b.  Thrift Mill, 8300 Moores Chapel Road, Charlotte

Staff Report

c.  Gautier-Gilchrist House320 E. Park Avenue, Charlotte

Staff Report

d.  W.D. Beaty House, 2400 Park Lane, Charlotte

Staff Report

6.  Property Updates: Brian Clarke

a.  Steele Creek Church, Steele Creek Church Road, Charlotte

b.  J.J. Akers House, 6501 Sardis Road, Charlotte 

c.  John Connelly and Nancy Blythe Abernethy House, 7040 Pleasant Grove Road, Charlotte

7.  Community Outreach Committee Report: Victoria Grey

8.  Consideration of Additions to the Rules of Procedure   

9.  Financial Report: Stewart Gray   

10.  Historic Landmarks Staff Report

11.  Old Business

12.  New Business

The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, February 12 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on February 12 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.

1.  Adoption of the Consent Agenda

a.  Approval of January HLC Minutes

b.  Certificate of Appropriateness Application for the Charlotte Woman’s Club, 1001 E. Morehead Street, Charlotte

Staff Report

2.  Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke

3.  Public Comment Period

Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.

4.  Quasi-Judicial Hearing for the Gautier-Gilchrist House, 320 E. Park Avenue, CharlotteDeferred to March 11 Meeting  

5.  Community Outreach Committee Report: Victoria Grey

6.  Executive Committee Report: Brian Clarke  Executive Committee Minutes

7.  Consideration of Additions to the Rules of Procedure  

8.  Financial Report: Stewart Gray   

9.  Historic Landmarks Staff Report

a.  QR Code Update

10.  Old Business

11.  New Business