The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, February 10 at 6pm.
The general public may attend the meeting in person or access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the Historic Landmarks office at 980-314-7660 or
For those interested in speaking during the Public Comment Period of the meeting, please register by 1pm on February 10 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.
Meeting Location: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, Room 266
1. Adoption of the Consent Agenda
a. Approval of January HLC Minutes
b. Certificate of Appropriateness Application for the Relocation of the Douglas House, 7601 Christie Lane, Charlotte
c. Certificate of Appropriateness Application for Roof and Related Repairs at the Torrence-Lytle School, 14000 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville
2. Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke
3. Public Comment Period
Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.
4. Survey Committee Report: Dontressa Ashford
a. Consideration of the Designation Report for the Ziglar-Bowers House, 421 Heathcliff Street, Charlotte
The Survey Committee presents a seconded motion recommending that the Historic Landmarks Commission process the Ziglar-Bowers House, 421 Heathcliff Street, Charlotte, N.C., for historic landmark designation including the interior and exterior of the house and the associated tax parcel. The Committee unanimously approved this motion.

Ziglar-Bowers House
The Following Item is for Informational Purposes and Does Not Need Further Action
b. The Survey Committee Added the Following Properties to the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks:
i. Carlee and Catherine Carr House, 153 Mock Road, Davidson

Carr House
ii. Il Grande Disco, 100 E. Trade Street, Charlotte

Il Grande Disco
iii. Johnson C. Smith University Teacher House, 301 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte

Johnson C. Smith University Teacher House
iv. Faires Farm Silos, 9520 Faires Farm Road, Charlotte

Faires Farm Silos
5. Community Outreach Committee Report: Victoria Grey
6. Financial Report: Stewart Gray
7. Historic Landmarks Staff Report
a. Alexander Farm Tenant House, 18324 W. Catawba Avenue, Cornelius

Alexander Farm Tenant House
b. Historic Bookmarks Book Club Meeting With Rev. Greg Jarrell, Author of Our Trespasses: White Churches and the Taking of American Neighborhoods – February 13
8. Projects Committee Report: Robert Barfield
a. Property Updates
i. Edgewood Farm, 11124 Eastfield Road, Huntersville
ii. Cornelius Agriculture Building, 21126 Catawba Avenue, Cornelius
iii. Smith-Richter House, 1030 Huntington Park Drive, Charlotte
iv. Cooper Log House, 5621 Mount Olive Church Road, Charlotte
v. Huntersville CMS Ag Buildings
Long Creek Agricultural Building
Huntersville Agricultural Building
9. Stafford Cabin Update
10. Old Business
11. New Business