The following list includes non-designated properties and properties that have been added to the Historic Landmarks Commission’s Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks. The Study List serves as an inventory of properties that the Commission believes are potentially eligible to be designated as historic landmarks.
Property Name Address City Tax Parcel No. Date of Construction Date Added to Study List Additional Information
102 Main Street 102 Main Street Huntersville 01904110 1926 1997-04-15
104 Main Street 104 Main Street Huntersville 01904109 1906 1997-04-15
106 Main Street 106 Main Street Huntersville 01904108 1924 1997-04-15
114 Norwood Drive 114 Norwood Drive Charlotte 06512917 2022-06-22
202 South Main Street 202 South Main Street Davidson 00325806 1920 2011-04-11
204 Phil Aull Place 204 Phil Aull Place Charlotte 15501126 2022-09-21
205 N. Myers Street 205 N. Myers Street Charlotte 08008503 2022-03-30
217 Dunbar Street 217 Dunbar Street Charlotte 07306309 1917 2017-06-12
255 Ridgewood Avenue 255 Ridgewood Avenue Charlotte 15114425 2022-06-22
301 Dunbar Street 301 Dunbar Street Charlotte 07306311 1917 2017-06-12
305 Dunbar Street 305 Dunbar Street Charlotte 07306312 1917 2017-06-12
314 Eastover Road 314 Eastover Road Charlotte 15507113 1927 (renovated in 1989) 2005-09-12
500 Clement Avenue 500 Clement Avenue Charlotte 12701401 1935 2021-08-18
838 Concord Road 838 Concord Road Davidson 00729303 2022-06-22
857 Belmont Avenue 857 Belmont Avenue Charlotte 08109912 2020-06-17
858 Concord Road 858 Concord Road Davidson 00729301 2022-06-22
1108 Pamlico Street 1108 Pamlico Street Charlotte 08115332 1926
1501 The Plaza 1501 The Plaza Charlotte 08118702 1933 2014-04-14
1600 Welch Place 1600 Welch Place Charlotte 07505801 2019-09-18
1623 E. Morehead Street 1623 E. Morehead Street Charlotte 2003-01-30
1720 Barbershop 1720 Pegram Street Charlotte 08116604 1947 2016-11-14
1910 Crampton-Sloop House 1727 E. 7th Street Charlotte 12703306 1910 2022-09-21
1917 E. P. Coles House 1733 E. 7th Street Charlotte 12703307 1917 2022-09-21
1920s Commercial Strip 100 Block of East Boulevard Charlotte 12101506 c. 1910
1928 Yandell Building 325-329 Main Street Pineville 22106102 1928 2006-03-13
2004 Park Drive 2004 Park Drive Charlotte 12703505 2022-06-22
2122 Roswell Avenue 2122 Roswell Avenue Charlotte 17501408 1928 2020-08-19
3112 Parkway Avenue 3112 Parkway Avenue Charlotte 07113507 2021-02-17
3116 Country Club Drive 3116 Country Club Drive Charlotte 09515138 1946 2021-08-18
3120 N. Davidson Street 3120 N. Davidson Street Charlotte 08308310 c. 1900
3601 E. Independence Boulevard 3601 E. Independence Boulevard Charlotte 13109101 1960 2021-08-18
3700 Wilkinson Boulevard 3700 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte 06102827 2019-09-18
4929 Monroe Road 4929 Monroe Road Charlotte 16105131 1936 2015-03-09
5439 Margaret Wallace Road 5439 Margaret Wallace Road Matthews 13543359 2022-09-21
7th Street Cleaners 1900 E. 7th Street Charlotte 12703515 1959 2007-12-10
Akers House, James Jones and Nancy Anderson 6501 Sardis Road Charlotte 18915110 1937 2023-11-29
Akers Motor Lines 4101 Equipment Drive Charlotte 2001-04-09
Albro House, Homer 1943 Queens Road Charlotte 15308107 1926 2012-06-11
Alexander Farm Tenant House, J. Wilson 18324 W. Catawba Avenue Cornelius 00511105 1900 2002-11-11 SHPO Comment Letter
Alexander Farmhouse 4123 Glory Street Charlotte 1917 2002-11-11
Alexander House, Espy 410 Dellwood Road Huntersville 01908106 1915 2002-11-11
Alexander House, Fred D. 2140 Senior Drive Charlotte 06917102 1962 2012-11-12
Alexander House, John Milton 14915 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 01312220 1900 1999-12-13
Alexander House, Kelly 2128 Senior Drive Charlotte 06917103 1962 2012-11-12
Alexander Slave Cemetery, W.T. Mallard Creek Church Road and Highway 29 04719107
American Commercial Bank 1601 W. Morehead Street Charlotte 2001-12-10
Armour Street Theatre 307 Armour Street Davidson 00327507 2024-09-25
Asbury Building 1520 E. 4th Street Charlotte 12511206 c. 1926
Bar-B-Q King 2900 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte 06706804 1961
Barringer Hotel 426 N. Tryon Street Charlotte 08002201 1939
Barringer House, Osmond 2232 Sherwood Avenue Charlotte 15305133 1935 2012-11-12
Barry House, Richard Beatties Ford Road Huntersville 2002-11-03
Baxter House, Herbert 2525 Portland Avenue Charlotte 15307310 1949 2009-09-14
Beddow House, John W. 341 N. Ames Street Matthews 1900 2005-09-12
Belk Facade 100 block of East Trade Street Charlotte 08001216
Bell House, William Henry and Elizabeth 3513 Grey Road Davidson 00333101
Belmont Shotgun House 1405 Kennan Street Charlotte 08116404 1918 2014-04-15
Berkeley Jackson Complex 1125 E. Morehead Street Charlotte 12520C99 1950 2007-12-10
Berry Farm, Caldwell 7231 McIlwaine Road Huntersville 01506103 1924 2014-04-15
Big M Stables 900 Holland Avenue Charlotte 07707136 2021-02-17
Billingsville School 124 Skyland Avenue Charlotte 15703808 1927
Blumenthal House 3850 Sedgewood Circle Charlotte 18102139 1952 2001-04-09
Bowers House 421 Heathcliff Street Charlotte 07103305 early 1920s 2024-07-24
Bradford House 12530 Mayes Road Huntersville 01123111 1936 2011-04-11
Bullock House, William B. and Johnnie 4612 Meridian Drive Charlotte 03712117 ca. 1969 2019-09-08
Caldwell Rosenwald School 15435 NC Hwy 73 Huntersville 00182114 c. 1920
Camp Greene Memorial Corner of Wilkinson Boulevard & Monument Street Charlotte 06705801 1926 2022-11-30 Historic Information
Camp Oak 10334 Walkers Ferry Road Charlotte 11317101 2023-11-29
Capri Theater 3500 E. Independence Boulevard Charlotte 16101202 ca. 1964 2019-09-08
Carmel Park House 4910 Carmel Park Drive Charlotte 18711208 ca. 1950 2019-09-18
Carolina School Supply Company 1023 W. Morehead Street Charlotte 07325212 1927
Carolina Theatre Auditorium 224-232 N. Tryon Street Charlotte 1927 1998-07-13
Carolina Tire and Rim Building 312 N. Graham Street Charlotte 07806401 1928 2007-02-12
Carr House, Carlee and Catherine 153 Mock Road Davidson 00323334 ca. 1945 2025-01-29
Cashion Farm, J. Leonard 10500 Eastfield Road Charlotte 02762101
Cathey Lumber Company 501 Penman Street Charlotte 07326217 2023-09-27
Cedar Grove Cemetery Hildebrand Street Charlotte 06912547 2022-09-21
The Central 66 4731 Central Avenue Charlotte 2001-12-10
Chambers House, Julius 3208 Dawnshire Avenue Charlotte 03914204 1964 2012-11-12
Chantilly Elementary School 701 Briar Creek Road Charlotte 15901605 1951 2001-04-09
Charlotte City Barn 932 Seigle Avenue Charlotte 08111501 1945 2016-11-14
Charlotte Fire Station #8 1201 The Plaza Charlotte 08117627 1949 2011-04-11
Charlotte Junior League Baby Home 1925 Bay Street Charlotte 12701603 c. 1929 2024-07-24
Charlotte National Bank Building 128 S. Tryon Street Charlotte 07301103 1918
Charlotte Post Office (Former) 401 W. Trade Street Charlotte 07311304 1917
Charlotte Train Station 1918 N. Tryon Street Charlotte ca. 1962 2019-09-08
Chicken 'n Ribs 1100 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 07507101 2020-12-16
The Cloisters Charlotte 2001-12-10
Cocke House, Norman Atwater 816 Harvard Place Charlotte 15505411 1910 2015-03-09
Coddington Building, C.C. 500 W. Trade Street Charlotte 07805503 1925 2012-01-09
Cole Manufacturing Company Plant 1318 Central Avenue Charlotte 08117722 1912
Conder Building 300 E. Morehead Street Charlotte 12301113 1928 2024-07-24
Cone House, Dr. Bonnie E. 9234 Sandburg Avenue Charlotte 04934306 1968 2017-11-13
Cornelius Historic Properties 19528 Meridian Street
Cornelius 00521229 1921 2017-06-12
Cornelius Historic Properties 19721 South Ferry Street Cornelius 00518135 1900 2017-06-12
County Office Building 700 E. 4th Street Charlotte 12503101 ca. 1961 2019-09-08
Court Arcade 725 E. Trade Street Charlotte 08008403 1930
Cramer House 200 Hermitage Road Charlotte 15504212 1919 2010-10-11
Croft School (Former) 9413 Old Statesville Road Charlotte 02504207 2022-06-22
Crowell-Kemp House 1604 E. 8th Street Charlotte 08020509 1912 1999-02-01
Dairy Queen 2732 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte 06706410 1947 2001-02-12
Davenport-Rogers House 9416 Walkers Ferry Road Charlotte 11336106 c. 1900 2024-07-24
Davidson Historic Markers, E. L. Baxter
Davidson Log House Eastfield Road Huntersville 2019-11-13
Davidson-MacDonald House Beatties Ford Road Huntersville 1997-04-15
Davidson Pump House 865 South Street Davidson 00704202A 2024-09-25
Davidson United Presbyterian Church 214 Depot Street Davidson 00325505 1942 2002-11-11
Davis, Jr. House, Mary Rose and William Alexander 140 Lynbrook Drive Davidson 00730112 2023-11-29
Deal House, B.C. 107 N. Main Street Davidson 00325703 1900 2018-05-14
Deaton House, John 20408 Shearer Road Davidson 00307107 c. 1943
Dentist & Office Building 1200 The Plaza Charlotte 12901204 2001-12-10
Dixon House 2143 Sherwood Avenue Charlotte 15305216 1925 2014-04-15 Additional Information
Double Oaks Elementary School 1326 Woodward Street 2001-04-09
East Independence Plaza 700 E. Stonewall Street Charlotte 12517103 ca. 1972 2019-09-08
Edwards House, William J. 1928 E. 9th Street Charlotte 12701417 1928 2016-11-14
Electrical Apparatus Building 308 W. Palmer Street Charlotte 07306428 1920 2017-06-12
Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School 1601 Park Drive Charlotte 08019203 1933 2000-10-09
Ellison-Moore House 3824 Mooreland Farms Road Charlotte 21115251 1925 2008-10-13
Ewart Farm, John F. 13118 Huntersville-Concord Road Huntersville 01939101 1898
Falls House 2655 Chilton Place Charlotte 17502506 1955 2007-12-10
Faires Farm Silos 9520 Faires Farm Road Charlotte 05129317 ca. 1951 2025-01-29
Farrar Store 1035 Harrill Street Charlotte 08112410 1938 2016-11-14
Fat Back Queen 1113 Pegram Street Charlotte 08112706 1920 2016-11-14
Fennell House 301 E. Kingston Avenue Charlotte 12307601 1900 2004-09-13
Fire Station No. 11 620 W. 28th Street Charlotte 07907518 1959 2022-09-21
First Baptist Church 349 S. Davidson Street Charlotte 2008-06-18
Fourth Ward Craftsman Bungalows 214, 216, 222, 224, 300 N. Irwin Avenue Charlotte 07814206, 07814205, 07814204, 07814203, 07814202 2024-07-24
Franklin Waterworks 5200 Brookshire Boulevard Charlotte 03918107 1958 2001-04-09
General Dyestuff Building 2459 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte 11901217 1940 2008-03-10
Goldstein House 447 Merwick Circle Charlotte 15718207 1958 2001-12-10
Graham Investment Company Building 219 N. Graham Street Charlotte 07805103 1920 1999-02-01
Grey-Knox House 108 Gilead Road Huntersville 01712207 c. 1900
H&S Lumber Company 520 W. Summit Avenue Charlotte 07326231 ca. 1948 2019-09-08
Harkey House 2601 Selwyn Avenue Charlotte 17508201 1921 2017-11-13
Hatchet House, Rich 9731 Rich Hatchet Road Huntersville 00927219 1901 2002-11-11
Hearn House 3517 Johnny Cake Lane Charlotte 20911210 1966 2001-12-10
Henning House 3521 Johnny Cake Lane Charlotte 20911211 1968 2001-12-10
Hinson Store, Eli H. and Francis M. 8925 Arlington Church Road Charlotte 13937103 1900
Historic Mural of Mecklenburg County 2003-09-29
Historic Rock Markers Neck Road and Beatties Ford Road Huntersville 1920s 2018-02-12
Holbrook House 101 N. Maxwell Avenue Huntersville 01903117 2023-09-27
Home Finance Building 1102 S. Tryon Street Charlotte 07305302 ca. 1958 2019-09-08
Hook Building, Walter 303 W. 4th Street Charlotte 2001-12-10
Hunters Chapel United Methodist Church 18423 John Connor Road Cornelius 00184138 1961 2024-07-24
Huntersville Hotel 104 South Maxwell Avenue Huntersville 01904215 late-1800s 2022-03-30 Historic Documents
Igloo Dairy Bar (Former) 1500 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 07505907 1948 2020-12-16
Il Grande Disco 100 E. Trade Street Charlotte 12501201 1974 2025-01-29
International Auto Care 4723 Central Avenue Charlotte 13104125 1965 2006-10-09
J. T. Williams Middle School Gymnasium 2400 Carmine Street Charlotte 07704801 ca. 1962 2019-09-08
James House, Major Alexander L. 260 Cherokee Road Charlotte 15506260 1936
James Peeler Photography Studio (Former) 1404 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 07507328 1942 2020-12-16
Johnson C. Smith University Stone Entry Gates 100 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 07820106 1923
Jenkins-Houston House 111 Sloan Street Davidson 00323553 2024-07-24
Johnson C. Smith University Teacher House 301 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 06901110 ca. 1929 2025-01-29
Johnson House, Ralph 115 Mock Circle Davidson 00323407 1924 2002-11-11
Johnston Farm 8520 Dixie River Road Charlotte 14115219 2021-06-23
Jones House 3409 Knob Hill Court Charlotte 20911252 1966 2001-12-10
Jones House, Charles 2112 W. Trade Street Charlotte 06901305 2022-03-30
Jones House, Col. Hamilton 944 Granville Road Charlotte 15505304 1890 2015-11-09
Jonesville A.M.E. Zion Church Property 5527 Ballantyne Commons Parkway Charlotte 22915104 1999-09-02
Jordan Farm, Thomas and Nannie 14601 Hus McGinnis Road Huntersville 02103116
Kirkland Apartments 2126 E. 7th Street Charlotte 12704623 ca. 1954 2019-09-08
Knox-Sloan-Cathey House 260 S. Main Street Davidson 00325374 1870
Labouisse House 232 Cherokee Road Charlotte 15506263 1932 2009-06-08
Leland Hotel/Haverty's Furniture Building 227 N. Tryon Street Charlotte 07801322 1900
Lethco House 2038 Roswell Avenue Charlotte 17501306 1933 2000-02-14
Levine House, Solomon and Shirley 2300 Cloister Drive Charlotte 18309219 1956 2007-10-08
Lil Diner 3658 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 04108217 2001-12-10
Little House, William 2301 Red Fox Trail Charlotte 18305201 1960 2001-12-10
Lockwood Bungalow 240 Sylvania Avenue Charlotte 07910501 1938 2018-05-14
Long Creek High School Gym 9213 Beatties Ford Road Huntersville 02306311 1934
Louise Cotton Mill House (Former) 1104 Pamlico Street Charlotte 08115333 1925
Love House 1119 Chollywood Drive Charlotte 18105353 1907 2012-06-11
Lucas House 265 Cherokee Road Charlotte 15507406 1929 2008-10-13
Lyman House, Charles and Jean Weber Bates 9331 Providence Road Charlotte 22709324 ca. 1960 2019-09-18
Lytle House, Frank
Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church Slave Cemetery 1600 W. Mallard Creek Church Charlotte 02902101 2018-10-30
Mallard Creek School 11400 Mallard Creek Road Charlotte 2001-04-09
Marguerita Villa 725 Hawthorne Lane Charlotte 08021513 1920s 2024-07-24
Martin's Grocery 2718 Monroe Road Charlotte 15701535 1940
Matthews Chapel Church Building 624 Matthews Chapel Road Matthews 21502101 1952 2021-10-20 Historic Presentation on Property
History of Building
McCoy Gas Station 5301 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte 11513320 1928 2011-04-11
McNeil Paper Company Warehouse
Mint Hill VFW Post Building 11341 Bain School Road Mint Hill 19703705 2022-09-21
Mitchum House 7212 Benita Drive Charlotte 18909311 1964 2013-10-14
Moody House, Charles
Moore House, Paul Berryhill 3212 N. Alexander Street Charlotte 08308712 1905 2012-11-12
Morningside Apartments
Morris Field Chapel 5415 Airport Drive Charlotte 11506102 2019-11-13
Morrow House 5508 Greene Street Charlotte 04303203 2023-03-29
Mt. Pleasant AME Zion Church 10021 Lawing School Road Charlotte 03112101 2024-07-24
Myers Park Shopping Center Providence Road Charlotte 15506201 1927 2019-01-16
Myers Park Traditional Elementary School 2132 Radcliffe Avenue Charlotte 2000-10-09
Neighborhood Service Station 1930 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 07503605 2020-12-16
Neill House, William and Rachel Newell 1412 W. Rocky River Road Charlotte 04919121 1920
Neiman House 1930 Providence Road Charlotte 18105113 1954 2001-04-09
Newbury-Walden House 1401 Briar Creek Road Charlotte 12906415 ca. 1950 2022-03-30 Historic Summary
North Branch Public Library (Former) 2319 Lasalle Street Charlotte 06912625 2020-12-16
North Charlotte Baptist Church 3117 Whiting Avenue Charlotte 08312608 2018-09-20
Northwest Medical Center 1218 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 07507342 1957 2020-12-16
Northwest School of the Arts 1415 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 06909640 2020-12-16
Oakhurst Log House No. 1 2107 Mandarin Boulevard Charlotte 16106410 1935 2016-11-14
Oakhurst Log House No. 2 4115 Hiddenbrook Drive Charlotte 16101223 1943 2016-11-14
Oaklawn Mausoleum 1612 Oaklawn Avenue Charlotte 07508347 1929
Odell House, Rev. Harvey and Clara Graham 4346 La Brea Drive Charlotte 03712502 ca. 1966 2019-09-08
Oehler Rustic Revival House 4301 Ridge Road Charlotte 02930106 2022-11-30 Additional Photographs
Original Bojangles Building 2316 Lasalle Street Charlotte 06917120 2022-09-21
Orr House, Lawrence 5025 Lawrence Orr Road Charlotte 10322105 1908 2015-03-09
Our Lady of Consolation Catholic Church 2301 Statesville Avenue Charlotte 07511425 1956 2023-03-29 Historic Information
Park-N-Shop 4300 N. Tryon Street Charlotte 2001-12-10
Park Terrace Movie Theater Park Road Charlotte 2008-06-18
Parks House, W.B. 10331 Beatties Ford Road Huntersville 02321105 c. 1901
Patterson Grocery Store 2515 Booker Avenue Charlotte 06906716 1919 2019-01-16
Pease Associates Office Building, J.N. 2919-2925 Independence Boulevard Charlotte 12910106 2001-12-10
Pentes Log House Property 6510 Sharon Hills Road Charlotte 20919129, 20919128, 20936146 2019-11-13
Phil Aull Studio 215 Providence Road Charlotte 15501125 2022-09-21
Piedmont Open Middle School 1241 E. 10th Street Charlotte 2000-10-09
Pineville Library (Former) 202 Main Street Pineville 20501404 1956 2015-11-09
Pineville Mill Managers Houses 304 and 402 Dover Street Pineville 22105109, 22105117 1900 2011-04-11
Polk Birthplace Marker, James K. 12031 Lancaster Highway Pineville 22113102 1904 2022-11-30 Historic Information
Polk Memorial, James K. Polk Street Pineville 22113102 1967
Potter's Field Cemetery Corner of E. Mccullough Drive and E. W.T. Harris Boulevard Charlotte 04933604 2008-03-10
Potts House 12938 South Church Street Huntersville 01909435 1901 2002-11-11
Presley Farmhouse 6845 Old Plank Road Charlotte 03512124 1925 2002-11-11
Providence Road Shopping Center Providence Road Charlotte 15506102 1947 2019-01-16
Providence Road Sundries 1522 Providence Road Charlotte 15309331 1997-04-15
Pure Oil Building 1524 E. Morehead Street Charlotte 15303314 2001-12-10
Pure Oil Station (Former) 1501 Central Avenue Charlotte 08117408 1930 2006-10-09
Queens Terrace Apartments 1300 Queens Road Charlotte 15304116 1961 2007-12-10
Ramah Presbyterian Church 510 N. Old Statesville Road Huntersville 01901301
Red Branch Baptist Church Cemetery 14935 Hough Road Mint Hill 13928107 1900 2002-11-11
Redeemer Lutheran Church 2422 Ashley Road Charlotte 06105333 ca. 1956 2019-09-08
Reid's Grocery Sign 2823 Selwyn Avenue Charlotte 17508212 2002-03-11
River District Dam Charlotte c. early-1800s 2022-09-21
River District Sadler Houses 4909, 4911, 4915, 4917 Sadler Road Charlotte 11319201, 11319202, 11319203, 11319204 c. 1911, c. 1925, c. 1935, c. 1911 2022-09-21
Roach House 2823 Bellhaven Circle Charlotte 03113221 1945 2022-03-30
Robinson House 8716 Steele Creek Road Charlotte 19959104
Rocky River Mill Ruin 19201 Callaway Hills Lane Davidson 00308164 2010-10-11
Rogers-McConnell House 119 Gilead Road Huntersville 01711622 1908 2022-11-30 Historic Information
Rudisill Hill Gold Mine 317 W. Summit Avenue Charlotte 11908313 2017-06-12
Sample House
Scorpio Lounge 2301 Freedom Drive Charlotte 06707359 2024-07-24
Shapray House, Donald and Barbara 4428 Whitby Lane Charlotte 15718219 ca. 1970 2019-09-08
Shaver House 345 Eastover Road Charlotte 15507411 1935 2008-10-13
Shell Factory Cafeteria 1923 Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte 20310217 2022-03-30
Shropshire House, Stedman Henry 1424 Burtonwood Circle Charlotte 18909110 1959 2018-02-12
Shuffletown Drag Strip 9530 Bellhaven Boulevard Charlotte 03321101 2023-03-29
Shuman Cemetery Corner of Remount Road and Youngblood Street Charlotte 14701721 2024-07-24
Sifford Golf Course and Clubhouse at Revolution Park, Dr. Charles L. 1225 Remount Road Charlotte 14503102 2024-07-24
Simmons-Moore House 819 Bromley Road Charlotte 15504217 c. 1920
Sloan House 230 S. Main Street Davidson 00325802 ca. 1900
Smith Building 21320 Catawba Avenue Cornelius 00521215 1920 2019-01-16
Smith-Richter House 1030 Huntington Park Drive Charlotte 18304101 2023-11-29
Snyder-Hartley House 1829 Queens Road Charlotte 15308104 1915 1997-11-10
South 21 Drive-In 3101 Independence Boulevard Charlotte 12910110A 1955 2001-04-09
South 21 Drive-In 3631 South Boulevard Charlotte 14905452 2001-04-09
Southern Spindle and Flyer Company Building 901 W. First Street Charlotte 07324217 1921
Spratt-Grier Farm 8006 Robbie Circle Charlotte 2023-11-29
St. Mark's Episcopal Church Rectory 8610 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road Charlotte 02516107 1910
St. Mark's Lutheran Church 1001 Queens Road Charlotte 15504301 1960 2001-12-10
St. Peter's Episcopal Church 339 North Tryon Street Charlotte 07802414 1924
Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Manse 7500 Steele Creek Road Charlotte 14126146 1910 2023-11-29
Stephens Company Building 907 W. 1st Street Charlotte 07324217 1921
Stevenson House, Sarah Mingo 2000 St. Paul Street Charlotte 07505708 2023-03-29
Stonewall Street Commercial Building 650 E. Stonewall Street Charlotte 12517102 1953 2007-12-10
Streetcar/Trolley Barn Corner of 1300 South Boulevard and 300 Bland Street Charlotte 2001-09-06
Styles House 1808 Marlwood Circle Charlotte 10926102 1959 2013-10-14
Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church Cemeteries West Craighead Road, 4130 North Tryon Street, and 100 Sugar Creek Road Charlotte 1997-05-12
Taylor-Shapiro House 5228 Carmel Park Drive Charlotte 18711203 1949 2001-04-09
Teacher's House at Johnson C. Smith University 100 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte 07820106
Texaco Station (Former) 217 N. Graham Street Charlotte 1958 2007-02-12
Thomasboro House 4439 Hovis Road Charlotte 06307214 1926 2019-01-16
Tomlinson-Wilson House and Farm
Torrence-Hemby House 821 Mallow Place Charlotte 21344118 1953 2016-11-14
Tuckaseegee Ford and Trail 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway Charlotte 05310199, 05311103, 05311107, 05311108 1999-02
Union Storage & Warehouse Company Building 1000 W. Morehead Street Charlotte 07324209 1926 1999-06-14
Vance High School Cemetery 7600 IBM Drive Charotte 04739108 2006-05-06
Wachovia Building 400 W. Trade Street Charlotte 07805407 2001-12-10
Walker's Grocery Store 1125 Belmont Avenue Charlotte 08112705 1920 2016-11-14
Wallace House 6100 Monroe Road Charlotte 18901311 1933 2005-09-12
WBT Transmission Facility 9201 Nations Ford Road Charlotte 20517109 2021-06-23
Western Electric 2833 N. Tryon Street Charlotte 2001-12-10
Western Newspaper Union Building 217 N. Graham Street Charlotte 07805103 1920 2007-02-12
Westminster Presbyterian Church 101 Colville Road Charlotte 15503601 1956 2001-12-10
Westmoreland Apartments 1912 E. 7th Street Charlotte 12703513 c. 1900
White Company Truck Manufacturing Facility 332 W. Bland Street Charlotte 07308303 2022-01-26 Historic Presentation on Property
Whitley House 8407 Woodford Bridge Drive Charlotte 02519109 1900 2006-10-09
Williams House, Dr. Charles 5906 Crestwood Drive Charlotte 03712312 1963 2024-07-24
Wilmore Elementary School 428 West Boulevard Charlotte 11907801 1925 2017-06-12
Wilson-Shelton House
Withers-Efird House
YMCA Building 400 E. Morehead Street Charlotte 12302401 1954 2001-12-10
Young House, W.H. 2038 Sharon Road Charlotte 17502412 1918 2011-10-10