The September 12 meeting of the Historic Landmarks Commission will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4 p.m. on September 12 by emailing
1. Consideration of August HLC Minutes
2. Chair’s Report: William Hughes
3. Public Comment Period (Up to 3 Minutes Per Person)
4. Certified Local Government (CLG) Overview: Kristi Brantley
5. Consent Agenda
a. W.P.A. Douglas Airport Hangar, 4108 Minuteman Way, Charlotte
6. Quasi-Judicial Hearing
a. Nebel Knitting Mill Annex, 127 W. Worthington Avenue, Charlotte
From the HLC’s June 13th meeting: Commissioner Barfield presented a motion that the Historic Landmarks Commission approve the staff recommendation that the Commission defer a decision until no later than September 12, 2022, on issuing the COA for the demolition of the Nebel Knitting Mill Annex, 127 W. Worthington Avenue, Charlotte.

Nebel Knitting Mill Annex
7. Financial Report: Jack Thomson
8. Public Hearings
Public Hearings Overview – Staff Presentation
a. Franks House, 305 Dunbar Street, Charlotte
Designation would include the exterior of the building and the land associated with the tax parcel.

Franks Third Ward Bungalow
b. Blythe House, 121 Gilead Road, Huntersville
Designation would include the first and second level interior hallways and staircase of the building, the exterior of the building, and the land associated with the tax parcel.

Blythe House
i. Battle of McIntyre’s Farm Monument, 5801 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte
Designation would include the monument in its entirety and a twenty-four (24) foot radius of land immediately surrounding the monument, measured in each direction from the central point of the monument.

Battle of McIntyre’s Farm Monument
ii. Williams Memorial Presbyterian Church Wall and Marker, 4700 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte
Designation would include the wall in its entirety, as well as a twenty (20) foot wide strip of land abutting each side of the wall, running for the entire length of each segment of the wall, and the marker in its entirety, as well as a twenty (20) foot radius of land immediately surrounding the marker.

Williams Memorial Presbyterian Church Marker
iii. Cowan’s Ford-Davidson College Monument, 14910 NC 73 Highway, Huntersville
Designation would include the monument in its entirety as well as a fifteen (15) foot radius of the land immediately surrounding the monument, measured in each direction from the central point of the monument.

Cowan’s Ford – Davidson College Monument
iv. General William Lee Davidson Monument, 5455 Cashion Road, Huntersville
Designation would include the monument in its entirety as well as a forty (40) foot radius of the land immediately surrounding the monument, measured in each direction from the central point of the monument.

General William Lee Davidson Memorial
v. Rural Hill Directional Marker, 6645 Neck Road, Huntersville
Designation would include the marker in its entirety as well as a thirty-eight (38) foot radius of the land immediately surrounding the marker, measured in each direction from the central point of the marker.

Rural Hill Directional Marker
9. Survey Committee Report: Brian Clarke
The Survey Committee will meet on September 21 at 6 pm.
10. HLC Staff Report
b. HLC 50th Anniversary Update
c. Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery Cleanup: October 29 from 9 – 11 am
11. Old Business
12. New Business