Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Agenda – HLC Meeting

1.  Consideration of Minutes — Click Here For June 12th Minutes
2.  Chair’s Report — Len Norman
​3.  Director’s Report — Dan Morrill  Click Here For Director’s Report
4.  Design Review Committee Report — Joe Elliott  Click Here For Design Review Minutes
A. Johnston Building, 212 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte — S&R Report
The applicant proposes to replace an existing non-original ATM near the front entrance with a new metal doorway.  The existing awning over the entrance would be removed and two smaller awnings would be installed on the adjacent bays. Two new doorways would be cut into the south side elevation, and a wooden wall feature and deck would be installed in the alley.  Two new interior frameless-glass storefronts would be installed in the lobby area to define a new restaurant space.  A back-of-house staircase would be constructed connecting the new restaurant space with the basement.
There was no quorum at the Design Review Committee. The Committee unanimously voted to recommend that the plans as presented be conceptually approved, with the exception of the proposed exterior wood cladding that would surround the new side entrance. The applicant has revised the plans and now seeks approval for a COA for the project.
 B. Phillips House and Morris Barn, 131 W. Charles Street, Matthews — S&R Report
The applicant proposes to add a large rear dormer, reconfigure the kitchen and rear bathroom, demolish the existing CMU garage, and construct a new garage.There was no quorum at the Design Review Committee. The Committee requested that the applicant produce additional plans reflecting more a more differentiated rear addition, and produce a site plan showing the location of the proposed garage and fence. The Committee voted unanimously that the plans could be presented directly to the HLC at their August meeting.  Staff and Committee members have reviewed the revised plans and there is a consensus that the revised plans are appropriate.
C. Delburg Cotton Mill House, 303 Delburg Street, DavidsonS&R Report
The applicant proposes to add an addition to the rear of the house and reconfigure the original rear rooms. The Design Review Committee requested that the applicant reduce the height of the proposed rear addition.  Below are two sets of plans.  The first set shows the addition as first proposed. Staff believes that both options meet the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation, and that both are appropriate. The applicant prefers the taller addition.  The second set shows the addition with a reduced height and a comparison of the two plans.
5.  Survey Committee Report — Jeff Parsons
6.  Treasurer’s Report — Nathan Clark  Revolving Fund Statement
7.  Projects Committee Report — Mark Miller  Click Here For Projects Minutes
Click here to view a spreadsheet on current HLC projects
8.  Old Business
9.  New Business 

 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission ADA Statement

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will make reasonable accommodations in all programs to enable participation by an individual with a disability who meets essential eligibility requirements. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission programs will be available in the most integrated setting for each individual. If any accommodations are necessary for participation in any program, meeting, or service, participants are encouraged to notify us at (704) 376-9115 or by email, or at 2100 Randolph Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207 at least one week prior to commencement.