The Survey Committee will meet on Wednesday, November 30 at 6 pm. Location: HLC Office at 2100 Randolph Road, Charlotte
1. Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke
2. Presentation on Hyde Park Estates: John Howard
Hyde Park Estates
3. Discussion of 2232 Sherwood Avenue, Charlotte
Real Estate Listing
2232 Sherwood Avenue
4. Consideration of Placement on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks
A. Rogers McConnell House, 119 Gilead Rd, Huntersville
More Information on the Property
Rogers McConnell House
B. Camp Greene Memorial, Corner of Wilkinson Blvd and Monument Street
More Information on the Property
Camp Greene Memorial
C. James K. Polk Birthplace Marker, 12031 Lancaster Hwy, Pineville
More Information on the Property
James K. Polk Birthplace Marker
D. Oehler Rustic Revival House, 4301 Ridge Road, Charlotte
Additional Photographs
Oehler Rustic Revival House
5. Property Updates
A. Chantilly Montessori, 701 Briar Creek Road, Charlotte
Chantilly School
B. 801 E. 8th Street, Charlotte
MdM Historical Consultants is under contract to produce a designation report on the house, which was moved within 1st Ward as an attempt to mitigate the negative impacts of Urban Renewal.
801 E 8th Street, Charlotte
6. Staff Report
A. Funding of Designation Reports
I. Plans to Fund the Conner-Falls House, 122 Mock Road, Davidson
One of the best-preserved historic houses in the African American Mock Hill neighborhood. The Town of Davidson will match the funding for this report.
Conner-Falls House
II. Tudor-Style Houses
Staff is reaching out to the owners of the Tudor Style Houses at 858 and 838 Concord Road in Davidson, to determine if they would support landmark designation. These houses contribute to the Davidson National Register District, and determine the easternmost boundary of the district. A similar Tudor Style House between them was demolished recently. Preservation of 858 and 838 Concord Road would help preserve the integrity of the historic district. The Town of Davidson would match funding for these properties.
a. 858 Concord Road, Davidson
858 Concord Road, Davidson
b. 838 Concord Road, Davidson
838 Concord Road, Davidson
III. Rogers McConnell House, 119 Gilead Rd, Huntersville
The house is architecturally significant as a rare pressed-block construction, unique in North Mecklenburg. Prominently located on Gilead Road near the center of the town, the long-term survival of the property is threaten by potential new development in the fast-growing area.
119 Gilead Road, Huntersville
B. Report on History of Women Architects in Charlotte
Staff believes that it would be important for us to produce a brief history of women’s involvement in architecture in Charlotte. Tommy Warlick has begun interviewing some sources and we anticipate that a consultant will be contracted to produce the report.
Here is a brief essay on important women architects in NC from NCModernist: Pioneering Women Architects in North Carolina
C. Steele Creek Cemetery Preservation Project
The Adventure Club held a preservation event at Steele Creek Cemetery on Saturday, October 29. We received positive coverage on WFAE, Mecklenburg County’s Instagram, and our own Facebook. Thanks to everyone who attended!
7. Old Business
8. New Business