The Survey Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 20, 2021, will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
1. Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke
2. Consideration of Designation Reports
The Committee will consider recommending historic landmark designation for the following properties:
a. Charlotte Quartermaster Depot, 300 Camp Road, Charlotte
Charlotte Quartermaster Depot Landmark Map
b. Huntersville School #2/The Little School, 508 Dellwood Drive, Huntersville
c. McDonald’s Cafeteria, 2023 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte
The Committee will discuss the amount of property to be included in the potential designations of the following markers and monuments:
d. E. L. Baxter Davidson Historic Markers and Monuments Designation Report
i. Cowan’s Ford – Davidson College Monument
ii. General William Lee Davidson Memorial
iii. Battle of McIntyre’s Farm Monument
iv. Rural Hill Directional Marker
v. Williams Memorial Presbyterian Church Wall and Marker
3. Consideration of Placement on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks
a. Matthews Chapel Church Building, 624 Matthews Chapel Road, Matthews
History of Matthews Chapel Presbyterian Church
4. Update on the 2013 East Charlotte Survey
5. Staff Report: Jack Thomson and Stewart Gray
6. Old Business
7. New Business