The May 27 meeting of the Design Review Committee will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
May 27, 2020 – 8:00 a.m.
1. Chair’s Report: Garrett Nelson
2. Senior Preservation Planner’s Report: Stewart Gray
3. James A. Blakeney House, 9118 Blakeney Heath Road, Charlotte, N.C.

Blakeney House

Blakeney Land
This Rezoning Sketch Plan was presented to the Design Review Committee at its January 2020 meeting.
Photographs of Structures on Property
The applicant is presenting a conceptual plan for residential development of the property. The applicant intends to demolish and remove the three outbuildings on the property due to their location and does not believe they are salvageable.
4. Independence Park, 300 block of Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, N.C.
Demolition, Layout, and Materials Plans
The proposed park renovation is extensive and will affect much of the park land including the areas of the park both to the east and to the west of the 300 block of Hawthorne Lane. The park is composed of Mecklenburg County tax parcels 08019201 and 12703416.
5. John Hunter House, 5607 Sardis Road, Charlotte, N.C.

John Hunter House
The applicant is proposing renovations and additions to the house and site.
6. Violet W. Currie House, 525 N. Main Street, Davidson, N.C.

Violet W. Currie House
The applicant is proposing to build a guest house on the property.
7. Reginald Armistice Hawkins House, 1703 Madison Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.

Reginald Armistice Hawkins House
8. Old Business
9. New Business