1. Consideration of Minutes Click Here for June 10th Minutes
a. Consideration of Closed Session Minutes
2. Chair’s Report: Jeff Parsons
3. Director’s Report: Dan Morrill Click Here for Director’s Report
a. Endorsement of Scenic Byway Designation of the McAuley Road Historic Landmark
Map of Ramah Creek Conservation Area

McAuley Road
4. Senior Preservation Planner’s Report: Stewart Gray
a. Attendance Policy Click Here for Attendance Tracking
b. CLG Training – Friday, August 23, 2019 at the Haywood County Historic Courthouse, 215 North Main Street, Waynesville, N.C.
5. Projects Committee Report: Edwin Wilson Click Here for Projects Committee Minutes
The Commission will consider several matters in closed session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11
6. Executive Committee Report: Jeff Parsons Click Here for Executive Committee Minutes
The Commission will consider several matters in closed session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11
7. Design Review Committee Report: Garrett Nelson Click Here for Design Review Committee Minutes
a. Ingleside, 7225 Bud Henderson Road, Huntersville, N.C.

The Design Review Committee presents a unanimous consensus to the Historic Landmarks Commission that the plan for Ingleside, 7225 Bud Henderson Road, Huntersville, N.C., be approved as shown with the condition that the balustrade on the front porch match the existing in design, that the proposed new intermediate pilasters on the rear porch should be better differentiated from the old by scale or by design, while still compatible with the historic elements of the rear elevation, and that a landscape plan for the section of the yard directly in front of the house will be brought directly to the Historic Landmarks Commission for approval.
b. Johnston Mill, 3315 North Davidson Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Click Here for Updated Package
Click Here for Additional Photographs

Johnston Mill
The Design Review Committee presents a unanimous consensus to the Historic Landmarks Commission that the effective date of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the demolition of the Machine Storage Building at the Johnston Mill, 3315 North Davidson Street, Charlotte, N.C., be delayed 365 days from the date of issuance.
c. Highland Park Mill #1, 340 E. 16th Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Click Here for Proposed Graphics for Smokestack

Highland Park Mill No. 1

Highland Park Mill No 1 Smokestack
The Design Review Committee presents a consensus to the Historic Landmarks Commission that painted letters on the smokestack located at Highland Park Mill #1, 340 E. 16th Street, Charlotte, N.C., not be allowed, but that a reversible option that replicates painted letters may be appropriate, and that flat removable letters may also be appropriate, and with the condition that no mechanical fasteners will be used in affixing signage to the smokestack.
d. VanLandingham Estate, 2010 The Plaza, Charlotte, N.C.
Click Here for Topiary Pavilion Revised Proposal

VanLandingham Estate
The Design Review Committee presents a unanimous consensus to recommend to the Historic Landmarks Commission that the topiary building proposed at the VanLandingham Estate, 2010 The Plaza, Charlotte, N.C., be pushed towards the rear of the property as much as possible, perhaps with single-loaded parking to the rear of the building, that the parking be limited to the minimum number of spaces required by zoning, that the driveways and parking not be constructed of asphalt or concrete, that the driveways and parking areas be constructed with materials that are compatible with the historic character of the property, and with the condition that the massing of the proposed topiary building be reduced.
e. Charles E. Barnhardt House, 3217 Maymont Place, Charlotte, N.C.

Charles E. Barnhardt House
8. Survey Committee Report: Len Norman
The Survey Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 21.
9. Education Committee Report: Laura Hoover
The Education Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 20.
10. Transition Committee Report: Diane Althouse
11. Treasurer’s Report: Diane Althouse Click Here for Updated July 2019 Project Budget
12. Old Business
13. New Business