January 31, 2018 – 8:00 a.m.
Draft Agenda
1. Design Review Chairman’s Report: Joe Elliott
2. Consulting Director’s Report: Dan Morrill
3. Preservation Planner’s Report: Stewart Gray
4. COA Application for Nebel Knitting Mill, 101 W. Worthington Avenue, Charlotte

Nebel Knitting Mill
Click Here for Map of the Property
The applicant proposes to convert a portion of the historic building for use as a restaurant.
Click Here for Plans and Elevations
Staff does not believe that the proposed new entrance on West Worthington is appropriate and that that portion of the project conflicts with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards No. 2.
5. COA Application for the Ranson House, 412 S. Old Statesville Road, Huntersville

Ranson House

Ranson House – Milk House
Click Here for Map of the Property and Click Here for Map of the Milk House
The applicant proposes to demolish the milk house on the property. In the middle of the 20th century a porch (now enclosed) was added to the rear wind, and water running off the milk house is causing issues with the foundation of the rear wing. Staff believes that the integrity of the milk house has been compromised, that the changed orientation of the house to the milk house negatively impacts the significance of the milk house, and that in light of the potential for continuing water damage, demolition of the milk house is appropriate. Staff believes that the removal of the milk house meets Secretary of the Interior’s Standards No. 2.
6. Review of a proposed project at 1708 Park Road, Charlotte

1708 Park Road
1708 Park Road is protected by historic covenants that require the HLC to approve any material alterations to the property.
Click Here for Plans and Perspectives
Click Here for Additional Photographs
Staff believe that the proposed changes to the stairway door and doorway are not appropriate, and that the existing triple windows on the rear elevation should be left in place, and that those proposed changes conflict with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards Numbers 2 and 9.
7. Old Business
8. New Business