Based on an initiative with the Town of Davidson to identify and designate additional historic properties, Staff is recommending that Survey and Research Reports be produced for the:
1. ca. 1901 Sherrill Farmhouse, 21525 Shearer Road

Sherrill Farmhouse

Sherrill Farmhouse
2. ca. 1900 Wally House, 603 North Main Street.

Wally House
Staff is recommending that the Survey Committee recommend to the Historic Landmarks Commission that it fund a Survey and Research Report for the Sherrill House.
Staff believes that the Town of Davidson will hire a consultant to produce a Survey and Research Report for the Wally House.
3. A Survey and Research Report was previously produced for the Martin-Worth-Henderson House, 310 Concord Road, and Staff is recommending that the Survey Committee instruct Staff to update the report and then present it to the Historic Landmarks Commission for processing for historic landmark designation.

Martin-Worth-Henderson House
Method Of Selection: 1104 and 1108 Pamlico were selected because the owner has been contacted and has stated her willingness to sell. In addition, the two houses are adjacent to the Louise Mill.
The other houses were selected because they are owner-occupied and have essential physical integrity.
1. 1104 Pamlico Street

2. 1108 Pamlico Street

3. 1121 Pamlico Street

4. 1204 Pamlico Street

5. 1104 Louise Avenue

6. 1108 Louise Avenue

7. 1200 Louise Avenue

8. 1228 Louise Avenue

9. 1217 Louise Avenue

10. 1233 Louise Avenue

11. 1204 Pegram Street

12. 1208 Pegram Street

Fiscal Year — July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018
Approved Budget For Survey And Research Reports: $20,000
Spent to Date: $7000
Survey and Research Report on Parkwood A. R. P. Church: $1500
Survey and Research Report on Historic Fire Equipment: $1500
Survey and Research Report on Former Charlotte Fire Station 8: $2000
Survey and Research Report on Rudisill Hill Gold Mine: $2000
Survey and Research Report on Highland Park Mill No. 1: $0.00 (Owner paid)
Encumbered Funds: $3000
Survey and Research Report on Former Wilmore Elementary School: $3000
Funds Spent Or Encumbered To Date: $10,000
Remaining Funds: $10,000
Recommended Survey And Research Reports: $5800
Survey and Research Report on Charlotte Fire Station No. 8: $2000
Survey and Research Report on the Berry-Caldwell Farm: $2000
Survey and Research Report on the Ames Street House: $0 Matthews will pay for the study.
Survey and Research Report on the Dr. Bonnie E. Cone House: $1800
Tentative Survey and Research Reports: $6000
Survey and Research Report on the Alexander Farm: $2000
Survey and Research Report on the Cornelius Agricultural Building $2000
Survey and Research Report on the Derita Gymnasium: $2000