The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, August 14 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on August 14 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.
1. Adoption of the Consent Agenda
a. Approval of July HLC Minutes
b. Certificate of Appropriateness Application for Fire Station #4, 420 W. 5th Street, Charlotte
2. Chair’s Report: William Hughes
3. Public Comment Period
Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.
4. Discussion of Habitat’s Rowland-Clay House Project, 606 E. Charles Street, Matthews: Jeffrey Elam, Senior Manager, Housing Programs for Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity
5. Public Hearings
a. Lambeth-Sullivan House, 435 Hermitage Road, Charlotte
Designation would include the exterior of the building and the associated tax parcel.

Lambeth-Sullivan House
b. John Connelly and Nancy Blythe Abernethy House, 7040 Pleasant Grove Road, Charlotte
Designation would include the exterior of the building and the associated tax parcel.

Abernethy House
6. Quasi-Judicial Hearing for First Baptist Church/Spirit Square, 318 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte
7. Survey Committee Report: Brian Clarke
a. Savona Mill, 528 South Turner Avenue, Charlotte
Since the Survey Committee did not have a quorum, the Historic Landmarks Commission should make a motion regarding designating the Savona Mill as a historic landmark:
The Survey Committee reached a consensus to recommend to the Historic Landmarks Commission that it process the Savona Mill, 528 South Turner Avenue, Charlotte, N.C., for historic landmark designation including the interior and exterior of the building and a rectangular portion of Tax Parcel Number 07111417 incorporating and immediately surrounding the entirety of the building’s overall principal structure, measuring as follows: from the front (or east) elevation of the building to the center line of South Turner Street; from the north elevation of the building to the center line of Savona Mill Lane; measuring a distance of 40 feet from the rear (or west) elevation of the building; and measuring a distance of 40 feet from the south elevation of the building. The remainder of the land comprising Tax Parcel Number 07111417 shall be excluded from the designation.

Savona Mill
8. Election of Officers
The Nominating Committee recommends the following slate of officers for FY24:
Chair: Brian Clarke
Vice Chair: Nadine Ford
Secretary: Victoria Grey
Treasurer: Lesley Carroll
9. Financial Report: Stewart Gray
10. HLC Staff Report
a. Relocation of the Siloam School to the Charlotte Museum of History
b. Preservation North Carolina 2023 Annual Conference: Oct. 4-6 in Durham
11. Old Business
12. New Business