March 27, 2019 – 8:00 a.m.
1. Chair’s Report: Garrett Nelson
2. Director’s Report: Dan Morrill
3. Senior Preservation Planner’s Report: Stewart Gray
4. Revisions to COA 17-59 for the Delburg Mill House, 303 Delburg Street, Davidson, N.C.
Delburg Mill House
Delburg Mill House Garage
Click Here for Map of Property
Click Here for the Approved Plan
The applicant is requesting a revision of the existing COA involving a design change to the garage.
Staff recommends that the plan be approved as shown.
5. COA Application for the Lambeth-Gossett House, 923 Granville Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Lambeth-Gossett House
Click Here for Map of Property
The applicant is proposing to install rear porch additions.
Staff recommends that the plan be approved as shown.
6. COA Application for the First National Bank Building, 110 and 112 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N.C.
First National Bank Building
Click Here for Map of Property
Click Here for COA Package Submittal
The applicant is proposing changes to the north elevation of the building.
Staff recommends that the plan be approved as shown with the condition that signage be installed in a manner that does not damage the stonework on the front elevation.
7. Old Business
8. New Business