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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

HLC Agenda – October 14, 2024

The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, October 14 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the Historic Landmarks office at 980-314-7660.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on October 14 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.

1.  Adoption of the Consent Agenda

a.  Approval of September HLC Minutes

2.  Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke

3.  Public Comment Period

Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.  

4.  Public Hearings

Registration in advance is encouraged but not required to speak during the public hearings. You may register by either emailing by 4pm on October 14 OR stating in the Teams chat BEFORE the public hearing starts that you want to speak. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person.  

a.  John Eli Brattain House, 305 South Main Street, Davidson

Map of Property

Designation Report

SHPO Staff Comments

Designation would include the interior and exterior of the building and the approximately 0.322 acres of land associated with tax parcel #00701884.

John Eli Brattain House

b.  Caldwell-Bradford School, 16401 Davidson-Concord Road, Davidson

Map of Property

Designation Report

SHPO Staff Comments

Designation would include the exterior of the building and the approximately 1.68 acres of land associated with tax parcel #01108107.

Staff Recommendation: In light of the discrepancy between the Historic Landmarks Commission’s unanimous August 12, 2024, decision to process the Caldwell-Bradford School for landmark designation and the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office’s subsequent opinion that the Caldwell-Bradford School lacks historic integrity, Staff recommends that the Commission revisit the matter to determine by vote (1) the validity of SHPO’s opinion as to the Caldwell-Bradford School’s lack of historic integrity, in light of the designation report’s findings as to the building’s special local significance, and (2) whether to re-affirm or reverse its August 12, 2024, decision to process the Caldwell-Bradford School for landmark designation.

Caldwell-Bradford School

5.  Preliminary Review, Gama Goat Building at Camp North End, 1801 N. Graham Street, Charlotte 

6.  Steele Creek Church Easement and Douglas House Agreement

7.  Survey Committee Report: Tommy Warlick

Survey Committee Minutes

a.  Consideration of Designation Reports

Presentations on Designation Reports

i.  Armour Street Mill House, 225 Armour Street, Davidson

The Survey Committee presents a seconded motion recommending that the Historic Landmarks Commission process the Armour Street Mill House, 225 Armour Street, Davidson, N.C., for historic landmark designation including the exterior of the house and the associated tax parcel. The Committee unanimously approved this motion.   

Armour Street Mill House

ii.  Hunters Chapel United Methodist Church, 18423 John Connor Road, Cornelius  

The Survey Committee presents a seconded motion recommending that the Historic Landmarks Commission process the Hunters Chapel United Methodist Church, 18423 John Connor Road, Cornelius, N.C., for historic landmark designation including the interior and exterior of the church, the cemetery, and the associated tax parcel. The Committee unanimously approved this motion.  

Hunters Chapel United Methodist Church

b.  Alexander Farm Tenant House, 18324 W. Catawba Avenue, Cornelius 

Alexander Farm Tenant House

8.  Community Outreach Committee Report: Victoria Grey

9.  Financial Report: Stewart Gray

10.  Historic Landmarks Staff Report

a.  November 4 HLC Meeting Date and Location Change

b.  Donovan Rypkema Lecture Update 

11.  Old Business

12.  New Business