The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, September 9 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the Historic Landmarks office at 980-314-7660.
For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4pm on September 9 by emailing Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments.
1. Adoption of the Consent Agenda
a. Approval of August HLC Minutes
2. Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke
3. Public Comment Period
Registration in advance is required to make public comments. Public comments can be up to 3 minutes per person and there will be no response from Commissioners.
4. Quasi-Judicial Hearings
a. Cornelius High School Agricultural Building, 21126 Catawba Avenue, Cornelius
b. Thies Building, 500 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte
5. The HLC will meet with legal counsel in closed session
6. Designation Updates
a. Recommendation to Amend the Motion for the John Eli Brattain House, 305 S. Main Street, Davidson

John Eli Brattain House
b. Review of Comments from the State Historic Preservation Office for the Caldwell-Bradford Schoolhouse, 16401 Davidson-Concord Road, Davidson

Caldwell-Bradford School
7. Survey Committee Report: Lesley Carroll
The Survey Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 25th at 6 p.m.
8. Community Outreach Committee Report: Victoria Grey
9. Financial Report: Stewart Gray
10. Historic Landmarks Staff Report
a. November 4 HLC Meeting Date Change
b. Donovan Rypkema Lecture Update
c. Pottstown Update
d. Properties Updates
11. Old Business
12. New Business