Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

HLC Agenda – December 12, 2022

The December 12 meeting of the Historic Landmarks Commission will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4 pm on December 12 by emailing

1.  Consideration of Minutes

A.  October 27 Special Meeting

B.  November 14 Meeting

2.  Chair’s Report: William Hughes

3.  Public Comment Period (Up to 3 Minutes Per Person)

4.  Financial Report: Jack Thomson

5.  Consent Agenda for the Ashford House, 241 Hoskins Avenue Drive, Charlotte

Staff Report

6.  Survey Committee Report: Brian Clarke

Survey Committee Minutes

The Survey Committee Report items are for informational purposes and do not need further action: 

A.  HLC staff is proceeding with the funding of designation reports for the following properties:

I.  801 E. 8th Street, Charlotte

HLC staff is under contract with MdM Historical Consultants to produce a designation report on the house.

801 E. 8th Street, Charlotte

II.  Rogers-McConnell House, 119 Gilead Rd, Huntersville     

HLC staff is seeking a consultant to produce a designation report on the house.

Rogers-McConnell House

III.  Conner-Falls House, 122 Mock Road, Davidson

HLC staff is seeking a consultant to produce designation report on the house. (The Town of Davidson will match the funding for this project.)

Conner-Falls House

B.  The Survey Committee added the following properties to the HLC’s Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks: 

I.  Rogers-McConnell House, 119 Gilead Rd, Huntersville

More Information on the Property

Rogers-McConnell House

II.  Camp Greene Memorial, Corner of Wilkinson Blvd and Monument Street

More Information on the Property

Camp Greene Memorial

III.  James K. Polk Birthplace Marker, 12031 Lancaster Hwy, Pineville

More Information on the Property

James K. Polk Birthplace Marker

IV.  Oehler Rustic Revival House, 4301 Ridge Road, Charlotte

Additional Photographs

Oehler Rustic Revival House

7.  Potential Changes to the HLC Rules of Procedure 

8.  HLC Staff Report

9.  Old Business

10.  New Business