The Design Review Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 24, 2020, will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
June 24, 2020 – 8:00 a.m.
1. Chair’s Report: Garrett Nelson
2. Senior Preservation Planner’s Report: Stewart Gray
3. Charles E. Barnhardt House, 3217 Maymont Place, Charlotte, N.C.
The applicant has withdrawn the request for review of this property.
4. Violet W. Currie House, 525 N. Main Street, Davidson, N.C.
Guest House Heights and Perspective

Violet W. Currie House

Violet W. Currie House
The applicant is resubmitting a proposal to build a guest house on the property.
5. Old Business
6. New Business