Sameness In Diversity. The Legacy And Promise Of Charlotte’s Historic West End. from Dan Morrill on Vimeo.
1. Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Dr. Morrill, Tom Egan, and William Hughes have met with Carla Cunningham, the owner of the property. The potential purchase price was discussed. The Commission has received an appraisal on the property and an estimate of the stabilization costs. I have received several emails urging the HLC to preserve the property. The Projects Committee will have a recommendation on this issue to present to the Commission.
2. Pecan Avenue Duplex, 1437 Pecan Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.
The property is being marketed by Edwin Wilson, Jr. The option to purchase is in place. Staff will be assisting with the marketing of the property. The County has ruled that hereafter the HLC will have to obtain Board of County Commission approval for options to purchase. HLC Staff will appear before the Board of County Commissioners on September 18th to explain how options will assist the HLC in saving historic resources.
3. Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, 412 Campus Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Preservation North Carolina and the HLC Staff will meet with officials of Johnson C. Smith University on the morning of September 24th to discuss preservation strategies for the building, which the University owns.
4. Torrence Lytle School, 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C.
The prospective buyer has withdrawn from the contract. The Commission has voted to move forward with demolishing all buildings except the original building and marketing the property largely as vacant land. The Projects Committee will present a recommendation on this issue to the Historic Landmarks Commission.
5. Ingleside, 7225 Bud Henderson Road, Huntersville, N.C.
Staff recommends that the future disposition of the property be considered in conjunction with other agencies in North Mecklenburg, including the Town of Huntersville. The National Trust For Historic Preservation has expressed a willingness to consider a matching grant for an adaptive reuse feasibility study. The Board of County Commissioners has recognized the purchase money from the HLC Revolving Fund, and the HLC is now the owner. HLC Staff will meet with officials of Huntersville in the afternoon of September 24th to discuss how the HLC and Huntersville might work together on an adaptive reuse study of the property.
6. Wallace Log House, 9425 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte, N.C.
The Public Hearing with City Council to consider designation of the property will occur on September 17th. The current owners will lease the property after closing, which should occur in late October. The property will be actively marketed after closing. The Board of County Commissioners has recognized the purchase money from the HLC Revolving Fund.
7. Charles E. Barnhardt House, 3217 Maymont Place, Charlotte, N.C.
The HLC continues to market the property. An architectural shingle roof is being installed, and other mandated improvements will be made in the near future. The developer of the property has granted an extension until September 30th of the time in which improvements must be made. The Projects Committee will present a recommendation regarding this issue to the Historic Landmarks Commission.
8. Former Fire Station Number Ten, 2136 Remount Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Discussions of the future disposition of the property continue.
9. James C. Dowd House, 2216 Monument Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Discussions of the future disposition of the property continue.
10. McConnell House, 4009 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.

McConnell House
Staff continues to negotiate with Martin Marietta, the owner of the property. Staff hopes to secure an exclusive, assignable option to purchase that is co-terminus with the Certificate of Appropriateness which has been issued to the owner. Staff is working to schedule a meeting with the owner to discuss preservation strategies. Sandy Carnegie and I will have a conference telephone call later this week with officials of Martin Marietta to discuss possible preservation strategies.
11. Morgan School, 510 S. Torrence Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Staff continues to discuss the future disposition of the property. The HLC submitted an offer in November 2016 to purchase the property. CMS is reviewing the status of all of its surplus property. CMS will report on the status of the prospective sale of the Morgan School once the review is finished.
12. Patterson Grocery Building, 2515 Booker Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.
Residents of Washington Heights have contacted the Commission and have expressed a desire to see the Patterson Grocery Building preserved. Staff is seeking to meet with the prospective buyer to discuss preservation solutions.
13. Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery, 3712 Monroe Road, Charlotte, N.C. Dr. Reginald Hawkins House, 1703 Madison Avenue, Charlotte, N.C. Wallace House, 9425 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte, N.C. Hennigan Place, 3503 Tilley Morris Road, Charlotte, N.C.
These properties are being processed for historic landmark designation.
14. HLC Staff and members of the HLC will attend a Preservation Workshop on September 27th in Greensboro, N.C. This will fulfill the continuing education requirements for this year for the Certified Local Government Program.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Dan L. Morrill