The July 11 meeting of the Historic Landmarks Commission will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
1. Consideration of June HLC Minutes
2. Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke as Vice-Chair
3. Public Comment Period (Up to 3 Minutes Per Person)
4. Financial Report: Jack Thomson
5. Quasi-Judicial Hearings
a. Ashford House, 241 Hoskins Avenue Drive, Charlotte

Ashford House
b. Larkwood-Chadbourn Hosiery Mill Plant, 451 Jordan Place, Charlotte

Larkwood-Chadbourn Hosiery Mill Plant
c. James C. Dowd House, 2216 Monument Street, Charlotte

James C. Dowd House
6. Design Review: Stewart Gray
a. First Baptist Church/Spirit Square, 318 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte
Presentation for the Redevelopment of Spirit Square and Connection to New Main Library
Additional Slides for Reference

First Baptist Church/Spirit Square
7. Survey Committee Report: Brian Clarke
The following item is for informational purposes and does not need further action:
The Survey Committee added the following properties to the HLC’s Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks:

858 Concord Road, Davidson

838 Concord Road, Davidson
c. 255 Ridgewood Avenue, Charlotte

255 Ridgewood Avenue, Charlotte
d. 114 Norwood Drive, Charlotte

114 Norwood Drive, Charlotte

2004 Park Drive, Charlotte
f. Former Croft School, 9413 Old Statesville Road, Charlotte

9413 Old Statesville Road, Charlotte
g. Lambeth House, 435 Hermitage Road, Charlotte

435 Hermitage Road, Charlotte
8. HLC Staff Report
9. Old Business
10. New Business