The January 10 meeting of the Historic Landmarks Commission will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
1. Consideration of December HLC Minutes
2. Chair’s Report: William Hughes
3. Adopt Changes to the Rules of Procedure
Proposed Additions to the Rules of Procedure
i. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the interior of a building is included in the designation for all properties designated before July 1, 1978.
ii. If Staff determines that a COA application does not conflict with the STANDARDS, the COA application can be placed on a consent agenda for approval. HLC Commissioners and members of the public with standing in terms of the application may request that the application be pulled from the consent agenda and reviewed and decided with the regular quasi-judicial process.
iii. Any project approved for a Certificate of Appropriateness by another historic preservation commission in Mecklenburg County for a local historic district shall be placed on the consent agenda.
iv. Any project approved for state or federal historic tax credits by the State Historic Preservation Office shall be placed on the consent agenda.
4. Consent Agenda
a. New sidewalk and curb and gutter on a portion of Oak Lawn, 9499 and 9464 Stratton Farm Road, Huntersville

9464 Stratton Farm Rd
5. Public Comment Period (Up to 3 Minutes Per Person)
6. Financial Report: Jack Thomson
7. Quasi-Judicial Hearings for the Following Properties
a. Proposed uplighting and site improvements of a water tower at the Charlotte Water Works/Vest Station, 2041 Patton Avenue, Charlotte – Deferred
b. Proposed demolition of the Leeper and Wyatt Store, 1923 South Boulevard, Charlotte
Additional Photographs and Floor Plan

Leeper and Wyatt Store
8. Survey Committee Report: Brian Clarke
The Survey Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 26.
9. Projects Committee Report: Jeff Parsons
The Projects Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 19.
10. Staff Report: Jack Thomson and Stewart Gray
11. Old Business
12. New Business