April 16, 2018 – 8:00 a.m.
1. Chair’s Report — Jeff Parsons
2. Director’s Report — Dan Morrill
a. Processing of Wallace House, 9425 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte, for Historic Landmark Designation
Click Here for Information on Wallace House

Wallace House
The Historic Landmarks Commission is under contract to purchase the Wallace House. To close on the property, the Commission must secure historic landmark designation for the property. Staff is preparing the Survey and Research Report. It will be taken directly to the Historic Landmarks Commission at its May 14th meeting. Staff will circulate it to the members of the Survey Committee.
3. Preservation Planner’s Report — Stewart Gray
a. Former Ford Motor Company Plant
b. Update on Huntersville Survey
c. Update on Processing Historic Landmarks
4. Consideration of the Survey and Research Report on the E. L. Baxter Davidson Historic Markers Click Here for S&R Report
5. Consideration of Placement of Properties on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks
a. 1908 B.C. Deal House, 107 N. Main Street, Davidson Click Here for Map of Property

1908 B.C. Deal House
Staff recommends that the property be added to the Commission’s Study List.
b. Lockwood Bungalow, 240 Sylvania Avenue, Charlotte Click Here for Map of Property

Lockwood Bungalow
Staff recommends that the property be added to the Commission’s Study List.
6. Request for Removal of Designation of a Portion of Hennigan Place Click Here for S&R Report
Click Here for Map of Property
The owner has received approval for the design of houses to be built on the pasture at the Hennigan Place. A pre-Civil War structure, the Hennigan Place was moved to this site in the 1970s and restored. The owner is requesting that the pasture be removed from the historic landmark designation. The owner states that he will require that the buyers place preservation covenants on the new houses. The owner has also committed to placing deed covenants on the historic house.
Staff recommends that before any decision is made that the owner be required to do the following:
Secure legal services to prepare the language of the proposed deed covenants, including the covenant for the historic house, and have the HLC attorney review the language and report to the Survey Committee.
7. Old Business
a. Myers Park Shopping Center, 700 block of Providence Road, Charlotte
Click Here for Information on Myers Park Shopping Center
Click Here for Map of Property

Myers Park Shopping Center
The Committee directed Staff to contact the owner of the Myers Park Shopping Center. The owner stated that he would meet with Staff, but he has given no definite date.
b. Bernard and Sherry Richter House, 1030 Huntington Park Drive, Charlotte
Click Here for Information on the Richter House
Click Here for Map of Property

Bernard and Sherry Richter House
The Committee directed Staff to contact the owner of the Richter House. Staff did so, and the owner stated his opposition to designation.
8. New Business
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission ADA Statement
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will make reasonable accommodations in all programs to enable participation by an individual with a disability who meets essential eligibility requirements. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission programs will be available in the most integrated setting for each individual. If any accommodations are necessary for participation in any program, meeting, or service, participants are encouraged to notify us at (704) 376-9115 or by email, stewart.gray@mecklenburgcountync.gov, or at 2100 Randolph Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207, at least one week prior to commencement.