Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

HLC Agenda – January 8, 2018


1.  Consideration of Minutes  Click Here for December 11th Minutes

2.  Chair’s Report — Len Norman

3.  HLC 2017 Annual Report — Dan Morrill  Click Here for Annual Report

4.  Director’s Report — Dan Morrill  Click Here for Director’s Report

5.  Design Review Committee Report — Joe Elliott

a. COA Application for Myers Park Streetcar Waiting Station, located at the intersection of East 4th Street and Queens Road, Charlotte, N.C. Click Here for a Map  Click Here for S&R Report


The applicant proposes to remove approximately 5’ of the curving stone wall that attaches to the shelter, and rebuild or move the existing stone pier to the terminus of the shortened wall.

The project conflicts with the Sec. of the Interior’s Standards 2 and 5.

The Commission could approve the application, deny it, approve it with conditions, or defer, or table the issue.  We must give them a decision within 180 days of the application, which was around December 10th. They can appeal to the zoning board of adjustments.

Here is the law:  (e) An appeal may be taken to the Board of Adjustment from the commission’s action in granting or denying any certificate, which appeals (i) may be taken by any aggrieved party, (ii) shall be taken within times prescribed by the preservation commission by general rule, and (iii) shall be in the nature of certiorari. Any appeal from the Board of Adjustment’s decision in any such case shall be heard by the superior court of the county in which the municipality is located.

Click Here for Plans

b. Roof Repairs to the Charles E. Barnhardt House

6.  Survey Committee Report — Jeff Parsons

Consideration that the HLC recommend to the Matthews Board of Commissioners that the Freeman House, 201 South Ames Street, be designated as a local historic landmark.  Click Here for S&R Report

7.  Treasurer’s Report — Nathan Clark

Because of the recent “ransomware” incident, the County cannot produce a financial report.  It will be distributed by email when available. 

8.  Projects Committee Report — Mark Miller

9.  Old Business

10.  New Business