Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission


The next meeting of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will be held virtually on Monday, November 8 at 6:00 p.m. in order to maintain social distancing as directed by public health officials.

Access to the meeting will be provided by both video (internet) and audio (internet OR telephone).


You should plan to log into the meeting by 5:45 p.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure that you will be admitted to the entire meeting. Please sign in with your first and last name. 

If, for any reason, there are technical problems with the virtual meeting before or during the meeting, please return to this page to repeat the login process and/or for any additional instructions or information.

Access Information for the Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting:

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2343 455 2358
Meeting password: 3ehMpcF2XE9

Join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,23434552358## United States Toll

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Need help? Go to

The next meeting of the Survey Committee of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will be held virtually on Wednesday, October 20 at 6:00 p.m.

Access to the meeting will be provided by both video (internet) and audio (internet OR telephone).


You should plan to log into the meeting by 5:45 p.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure that you will be admitted to the entire meeting. Please sign in with your first and last name. 

If, for any reason, there are technical problems with the virtual meeting before or during the meeting, please return to this page to repeat the login process and/or for any additional instructions or information.

Access Information for the Survey Committee Meeting

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2332 081 9041
Meeting password: eRP4rRkm3C2

Join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,23320819041## United States Toll

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

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The next meeting of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will be held virtually on Monday, October 11 at 6:00 p.m. in order to maintain social distancing as directed by public health officials.

Access to the meeting will be provided by both video (internet) and audio (internet OR telephone).


You should plan to log into the meeting by 5:45 p.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure that you will be admitted to the entire meeting. Please sign in with your first and last name. 

If, for any reason, there are technical problems with the virtual meeting before or during the meeting, please return to this page to repeat the login process and/or for any additional instructions or information.

Access Information for the Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting:

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2345 707 4203
Meeting password: CRb77zjVgH3

Join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,23457074203## United States Toll

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Global call-in numbers

Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

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The next meeting of the Projects Committee of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will be held virtually on Wednesday, October 6 at 6:00 p.m.

Access to the meeting will be provided by both video (internet) and audio (internet OR telephone).


You should plan to log into the meeting by 5:45 p.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure that you will be admitted to the entire meeting. Please sign in with your first and last name. 

If, for any reason, there are technical problems with the virtual meeting before or during the meeting, please return to this page to repeat the login process and/or for any additional instructions or information.

Access Information for the Projects Committee Meeting: 

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2343 391 3102
Meeting password: cG8WSpiQQ85

Join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,23433913102## United States Toll

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Need help? Go to

2021 CLG Training Videos

We need at least two Commissioners to view and submit brief viewing notes on three of the training sessions listed below before September 30th. The last link gives access to six videos from 2020 that are valid for this year’s training if you have not already viewed them.  We would be happy to discuss.

HPO Summer 2021 CLG Training Series

  • HPO Summer 2021 Training #1 – Prepare Now for Future Weather Events


  • HPO Summer 2021 Training #2 – Preserving Historic Cemeteries


  • HPO Summer 2021 Training #3 – Preserving the Past with an Eye on the Future: An Informed Approach to Sustainability for Historic Buildings by Restoration Specialist Brett Sturm can be found at


Leverage NC

To view go to

Only the following Building Block Video Series episodes count toward CLG credit:

April 5              Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits by Brett Sturm

April 19           The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation by Jennifer Cathey

May 3              The National Register of Historic Places by Sarah Woodard David

May 17             Tutorial of the State Historic Preservation Office’s GIS by Andrew Edmonds

July 28             Making Historic Buildings More Resilient to Hurricane and Flood Events by Jeff Adolphsen


Note: Unviewed videos from HPO’s Summer 2020 Series can be viewed for this year’s requirements.

HPO 2020 Series: