Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission


The next meeting of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will be held virtually on Monday, February 13 at 6 pm.

For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4 pm on February 13 by emailing: 

Access to the meeting will be provided by both video (internet) and audio (internet OR telephone).


You should plan to log into the meeting by 5:45 pm on the day of the meeting to ensure that you will be admitted to the entire meeting. Please sign in with your first and last name. 

If, for any reason, there are technical problems with the virtual meeting before or during the meeting, please return to this page to repeat the login process and/or for any additional instructions or information.

Access Information for the Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 287 334 929 621
Passcode: dHiHPp

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 704-672-5181,,906459041#   United States, Charlotte

Phone Conference ID: 906 459 041#

Find a local number | Reset PIN

Learn More | Meeting options

Ten Properties Designated as Historic Landmarks

Four Adventure Club Outings in its Inaugural Year

COAs by the Numbers

Total COA Application Rulings = 63

Approved = 56

Approved with Conditions = 6

Denied = 1

Withdrawn/Deferred/Resubmitted = 3

    Total COA Applications Received = 95

    Minor Works = 81

    Major Works = 14

    Revolving Fund Activities

    Loans by the HLC for the purchase of the Rozzell House and Ingleside were paid off early!

    The sale of Outen Pottery to the Town of Matthews was completed with their final payment.

    The Wallace House was sold to excellent buyers pursuing the preservation of the property.

        HERE’S TO 2023!!

        The next meeting of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will be held virtually on Monday, January 9 at 6 pm.

        For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4 pm on January 9 by emailing: 

        Access to the meeting will be provided by both video (internet) and audio (internet OR telephone).


        You should plan to log into the meeting by 5:45 pm on the day of the meeting to ensure that you will be admitted to the entire meeting. Please sign in with your first and last name. 

        If, for any reason, there are technical problems with the virtual meeting before or during the meeting, please return to this page to repeat the login process and/or for any additional instructions or information.

        Access Information for the Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting:

        Microsoft Teams meeting

        Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

        Click here to join the meeting

        Meeting ID: 218 169 743 062
        Passcode: pqk5aA

        Download Teams | Join on the web

        Or call in (audio only)

        +1 704-672-5181,,954758880#   United States, Charlotte

        Phone Conference ID: 954 758 880#

        Find a local number | Reset PIN

        Learn More | Meeting options


        The next meeting of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission will be held virtually on Monday, December 12 at 6 pm.

        For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4 pm on December 12 by emailing: 

        Access to the meeting will be provided by both video (internet) and audio (internet OR telephone).


        You should plan to log into the meeting by 5:45 pm on the day of the meeting to ensure that you will be admitted to the entire meeting. Please sign in with your first and last name. 

        If, for any reason, there are technical problems with the virtual meeting before or during the meeting, please return to this page to repeat the login process and/or for any additional instructions or information.

        Access Information for the Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting:

        Microsoft Teams meeting

        Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

        Click here to join the meeting

        Meeting ID: 271 521 944 849
        Passcode: GF7onq

        Download Teams | Join on the web

        Or call in (audio only)

        +1 704-672-5181,,214180280#   United States, Charlotte

        Phone Conference ID: 214 180 280#

        Find a local number | Reset PIN

        Learn More | Meeting options