Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Minutes – Survey Committee

The June 22 Survey Committee meeting will be held at the Wadsworth House, 400 S. Summit Avenue, Charlotte, at 6:00 p.m. There will be no virtual attendance option. 

1.  Wadsworth House Tour by the Owner

2.  Chair’s Report: Brian Clarke

3.  Designation Process Discussion

4.  Integrity Best Practice

5.  Updates

a.  Blythe House Designation, 121 Gilead Road, Huntersville

Blythe House

b.  Franks 3rd Ward Bungalow Designation, 305 Dunbar Street, Charlotte

Franks Third Ward Bungalow

c.  801 E. 8th Street, Charlotte

801 E. 8th Street, Charlotte

d.  Sinister Wisdom House, 3116 Country Club Drive, Charlotte

Sinister Wisdom House

e.  Davidson Historic African American Properties

Davidson Presbyterian Church

f.  4530 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte

4530 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte

g. Jones House, 2112 W. Trade Street, Charlotte

2112 W. Trade Street, Charlotte

6.   Consideration of Placement on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks

a.  858 Concord Road, Davidson

858 Concord Road, Davidson

b.  838 Concord Road, Davidson

838 Concord Road, Davidson

c.  255 Ridgewood Avenue, Charlotte

255 Ridgewood Avenue, Charlotte

d.  114 Norwood Drive, Charlotte

114 Norwood Drive, Charlotte

e.  2004 Park Drive, Charlotte

2004 Park Drive, Charlotte

f.  Former Croft School, 9413 Old Statesville Road, Charlotte

9413 Old Statesville Road, Charlotte

g.  Lambeth House, 435 Hermitage Road, Charlotte

Additional Information

Lambeth House

7.  HLC Staff Report

8.  Old Business

9.  New Business