May 6, 2019 – 6:00 p.m.
1. Chair’s Report: Len Norman
2. Director’s Report: Dan Morrill
a. Discussion of Impact of Option to Purchase Process. Leslie Johnson has described the governing process as it presently stands.
1) All Options to Purchase must be approved by BOCC.
2) Purchase price must be “reasonable” as determined by appraisal or realtor’s comps. If latter is used language must be included stating that price could be adjusted.
3) HLC should seek to identify buyer to whom to assign the option.
4) If the HLC decides to purchase the property, the HLC must return to the BOCC for approval after performing full due diligence.
5) In instances when the HLC isn’t planning to purchase the property, it may choose to perform some elements of due diligence. However, it would be based on HLC direction to the Consulting Director.
3. Update on Projects: Dan Morrill and Peter Wasmer
Click Here for April 2019 Project Budget
a. Torrence Lytle School, 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C.
No Purchase Agreement from prospective buyer has been received. HLC has approved demolishing all buildings except the original school building, stabilizing the original school building, and placing the property back on the market. There has been some discussion of retaining Building D (Cafeteria Building).
b. Ingleside, 7225 Bud Henderson Road, Huntersville, N.C.
Closing is scheduled for June 4th.
c. Barnhardt House, 3217 Maymont Place, Charlotte, N.C.
Mold and asbestos remediation is to occur this week. Peter is working with obtaining money from County insurance to repair storm damage to the house. House will be painted when repairs are complete.
d. Edgewood Farm, 11132 Eastfield Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Staff has been working with the owner to devise a preservation strategy. Possible candidate for Option to Purchase.
e. Former Standard Oil Company Service Station, 1010 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Peter Wasmer has ordered an appraisal. Once Board of County Commissioners approves funding, Peter will order a Phase 2 Environmental Assessment. Earnest money has been deposited.
f. James C. Dowd House and Former Charlotte Fire Station #10, 2216 Monument Avenue and 2136 Remount Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Sandy Carnegie is reviewing Memorandum of Agreement prepared by Mecklenburg County.
g. Louise Cotton Mill House, 1104 Pamlico Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Appraisal has been sent to Peter Wasmer. Earnest money has been deposited. Due diligence shall commence once County funding is approved.
h. Victor Shaw House, 2400 Mecklenburg Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.
Prospective buyer of rear lots has not yet secured financing. Good candidate for Option to Purchase.
i. McConnell House, 4009 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C
Preserve Mecklenburg has submitted an offer to purchase a lot to which the house can be moved. Owner of lot has yet to respond to the offer. Staff has asked Martin Marietta to make a contribution to the move equivalent to the expense of demolishing the house.
j. Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.
No additional information has been provided to the HLC.
k. Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, 412 Campus Street, Charlotte, N.C.
Johnson C. Smith University is developing a stabilization plan for presentation to the city code enforcement committee in August. The University has asked the HLC to meet with University officials to discuss proposal offered by the HLC.
4. Discussion of Ranking of Projects
5. Consideration of Amendment To The HLC Manual Of Practice.
G. Telephonic and electronic attendance at meetings.
(a) Committee meetings. Commission members may attend committee meetings by telephone or other electronic means when they are unable to attend in person and with permission of the Chair and Vice-Chair. Commissioners who plan to attend by electronic means should notify the Chair and Vice-Chair at least 48 hours in advance. Commissioners attending electronically are entitled to vote and fully participate in the business of the committee meeting.
(b) Commission meetings. Commissioners may attend regular and special meetings by telephone or other electronic means where: (i) permitted by the Chair and Vice-Chair; (ii) necessary to achieve a quorum; and (iii) attendance is precluded due to weather, civil unrest, emergency, etc. Commissioners may attend Commission meetings by telephone or other electronic means for emergency meetings.
4. It is recognized by the HLC that real estate represents a sometimes-volatile market and there is the necessity to make decisions quickly in order to preserve historic landmarks. After the HLC has voted to purchase or sell a historic landmark and to further the purpose of being able to react quickly, the HLC shall have the ability to appoint the Executive Committee to negotiate contract details for the purchase and sale of historic landmarks. Further, the Executive Committee in carrying out its function of negotiation as set forth herein may utilize telephonic or electronic communications as long as a record is made of such communication and made a part of the record and entered into the HLC minutes as soon as possible within a reasonable time after the negotiations are concluded, subject to §143-318.11(a)(5). The Executive Committee may only negotiate the terms of a contract within the parameters as set forth by the HLC.
6. The Committee will consider several matters in closed session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11.
7. Old Business
8. New Business