The Survey Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 22 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to attend the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
1. Chair’s Report: Lesley Carroll
2. Consideration of Placement on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks
Note: The Charlotte Junior League Baby Home and the Davenport-Rogers House were discussed at the Survey Committee’s March meeting, but were not placed on the Study List due to a lack of a quorum.
a. Charlotte Junior League Baby Home, 1925 Bay Street, Charlotte

Charlotte Junior League Baby Home
b. Davenport-Rogers House, 9416 Walkers Ferry Road, Charlotte

Davenport-Rogers House
c. Dr. Charles Williams House, 5906 Crestwood Drive, Charlotte
d. Jenkins-Houston House, 111 Sloan Street, Davidson

Jenkins-Houston House
e. Scorpio Lounge, 2301 Freedom Drive, Charlotte

Scorpio Lounge
f. Hunters Chapel United Methodist Church, 18423 John Connor Road, Cornelius

Hunters Chapel United Methodist Church
g. Dr. Charles L. Sifford Golf Course at Revolution Park, 1225 Remount Road, Charlotte

Dr. Charles L. Sifford Golf Course
h. Marguerita Villa, 725 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte

Marguerita Villa
i. Bowers House, 421 Heathcliff Street, Charlotte

Bowers House
j. Mary Rose and William Alexander Davis, Jr. House, 140 Lynbrook Drive, Davidson

Mary Rose & William Alexander Davis, Jr. House
3. Property Updates
a. Properties recently designated by municipal bodies:
i. Parkwood Avenue ARP Church, 1017 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte

Parkwood Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
ii. Thompson-Anderson House, 858 Concord Road, Davidson

Thompson-Anderson House
b. Properties approved by the Historic Landmarks Commission for designation processing based on the Survey Committee’s recommendation; designation reports back from SHPO and with consultants for finalizing:
i. Little House, 1136 Queens Road, Charlotte

John Phillips Little Jr. House
ii. Alexander-Howell House, 250 Cherokee Road, Charlotte

Alexander-Howell House
c. Forthcoming designation reports for Survey Committee consideration:
i. Brattain House, 305 S. Main Street, Davidson

Brattain House
ii. Delburg Mill House, 225 Armour Street, Davidson

Delburg Mill House
4. Old Business
5. New Business