The Survey Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 27 at 6pm. This will be a hybrid meeting and visitors should plan to attend the meeting remotely.
1. Chair’s Report: Lesley Carroll
2. Consideration of the Revised Designation Report for the Parkwood Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1017 Parkwood Avenue, Charlotte
Staff recommends that the Survey Committee recommend to the Historic Landmarks Commission that it process the Parkwood Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the property associated with tax parcel 08309309 for historic landmark designation.

Parkwood Avenue Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
3. Consideration of the Designation Report for the Bonnie Cone House, 9234 Sandburg Avenue, Charlotte
The owner of the Bonnie Cone House has contacted Staff. She is now living in the house and has no plans to demolish the house. Staff will be meeting with the owner to help them better understand the benefits of landmark designation and recommends that the Survey Committee table this issue until their next meeting.

Bonnie Cone House
4. Update on the Caldwell Bradford Schoolhouse, 16401 Davidson-Concord Road, Davidson
The owner of the Caldwell Bradford School is seeking landmark designation.
The small front-gabled Caldwell Bradford School (now remodeled as a home) is well documented in the records of the Mecklenburg County School System.
It is the only identified surviving schoolhouse that predates the consolidation movement of the 1920s and is the only rural school that has retained its rural setting.
HL Staff is prepared to help fund the report for this property if the schoolhouse is added to the Study List and if the Survey Committee is supportive of landmark status for the property.

Caldwell Bradford Schoolhouse
5. Update on the Little House, 1136 Queens Road, Charlotte

Little House

Little House

Little House

Little House
6. Consideration of Placement on the Study List of Prospective Historic Landmarks
a. Cathey Lumber Company, 501 Penman Street, Charlotte

Cathey Lumber Company

Cathey Lumber Company

Cathey Lumber Company
b. Holbrook House, 101 N. Maxwell Avenue, Huntersville

Holbrook House

Holbrook House
7. HLC 50th Anniversary Celebration: November 2
8. Old Business
9. New Business