The November 14 meeting of the Historic Landmarks Commission will be a virtual meeting. Please note there will be no accommodation for any in-person attendance. If you need special accommodations, please contact the HLC office at 980-314-7660.
For those interested in speaking at the meeting, please register by 4 pm on November 14 by emailing
1. Consideration of HLC Minutes
2. Chair’s Report: William Hughes
3. Public Comment Period (Up to 3 Minutes Per Person)
4. Financial Report: Jack Thomson
5. Consent Agenda for the Ashford House, 241 Hoskins Avenue Drive, Charlotte
6. HLC Closed Session to Discuss a Legal Matter
7. Survey Committee Report: Brian Clarke
A. Next Meeting: November 30 at 6pm
B. Renfrow Commercial Properties Revised Designation Report: Tommy Warlick
The Survey Committee presents a seconded motion to the Historic Landmarks Commission that it process the Renfrow Commercial Properties for historic landmark designation including the exteriors of the ca. 1900 frame building, the ca. 1920 gin operator’s house, and the ca. 1950 brick commercial building and the associated tax parcels. The Committee unanimously approved the motion.
8. HLC Staff Report
A. Historic Markers
C. Adventure Club Recap – Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery Preservation Event
9. Old Business
10. New Business