April 17, 2019 – 6:00 p.m.
1. Chair’s Report: Jeff Parsons
2. Director’s Report: Dan Morrill
3. Senior Preservation Planner’s Report: Stewart Gray
a. Update on Davidson Initiative
4. Consideration of Funding a Survey and Research Report for the Ashford House, 241 Hoskins Avenue Drive, Charlotte, N.C.
Click Here for Map of Property

Ashford House

Ashford House

Ashford House
Ashford House Reference in the Mecklenburg African American Resources Survey
5. Update on the Lawrence Orr House, 5025 Lawrence Orr Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Click Here for Map of Property

Lawrence Orr House
6. Consideration of Highest Ranked Properties on the Huntersville Survey
Staff is committed to the use of surveys of historic resources as the fundamental planning tool for determining what properties should be placed at the highest priority. Accordingly, Staff submits the following seven properties for your consideration and recommends that Staff seek to meet with the owners to ascertain their feelings about historic landmark designation.
Top Seven Ranked Properties from the Huntersville Survey
7. Consideration of Survey and Research Reports
a. Nevin School, 3523 Nevin Road, Charlotte, N.C.

Nevin School
Survey and Research Report on the Nevin School
b. Martin-Worth-Henderson House, 310 Concord Road, Davidson, N.C.

Martin-Worth-Henderson House
Survey and Research Report on the Martin-Worth-Henderson House
c. Bonnie E. Cone House, 9234 Sandburg Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.
Click Here for Map of Property

Bonnie E. Cone House
Survey and Research Report on the Bonnie E. Cone House
Additional Reading: Historical Essay on the Bonnie E. Cone House
8. Old Business
9. New Business
a. Proposal for Dating Log Buildings

Sloan-Porter House