August 27, 2018
The Historic Landmarks Commission has identified several important African American sites in Charlotte. They include two properties the Commission purchased: the Dr. George E. and Marie Davis House, 301 Campus Street, Charlotte, N.C., and Grace A.M.E. Zion Church, 219 S. Brevard Street, Charlotte, N.C.

Dr. George E. and Marie Davis House

Grace A.M.E. Zion Church
The Commission is about to purchase the Tena Wallace Log House, 9425 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte, N.C. in which enslaved African Americans and later sharecroppers lived.

Wallace Log House
The Commission is now focused on the Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, located at 412 Campus Street, Charlotte, N.C., which the City of Charlotte has ordered to be restored to meet building code standards by October 10, 2018 or be demolished, and the Excelsior Club, located at 921 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C, which is scheduled to be demolished in June 2019.

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church

Excelsior Club