1. Dowd House and former Charlotte Fire Station No. 10. The County has not yet determined how it will proceed with its plans to preserve the James C. Dowd House and Former Charlotte Fire Station Number Ten. There have been no significant developments since the HLC’s April Meeting. Staff has requested a meeting with County officials to discuss the future possibilities for Former Charlotte Fire Station No. 10.

Dowd House

Charlotte Fire Station No. 10
2. The Jerry and Tena Wallace House. Staff has received its appraisal of the property. The Due Diligence process will continue. The owners have agreed to an extension of the Due Diligence Period until October 26th. Stewart Gray reports that the designation of the property as a historic landmark is scheduled to occur on October 15th. Staff has provided the owners with the draft of a lease of the property for a yet-to-be-determined period after closing.
Wallace House
3. Wadsworth House. South State Bank has issued a formal request for bids to purchase the property. The bid documents state that the bank will consider factors other than the offered price. The Projects Committee discussed the status of the property and has not recommended that the HLC submit an offer at this time. South State Bank has notified potential buyers that the HLC can delay the demolition for up to 365 days. Staff will keep the HLC advised.

Wadsworth House
4. Wilmore School. City Council voted on May 21st to designate the Wilmore School as a historic landmark. Thanks to the Survey Committee for its initiative in this area.

Wilmore School
5. Charles E. Barnhardt House. The property is being actively marketed. Special thanks for the work of the Projects Management Committee. Len Norman and I visited with Fred Caligiuri, the developer of the Cramer’s Pond Neighborhood, and he has agreed that the HLC should submit a form requesting approval for the placement of an architectural shingle roof on the house. Staff is confident that approval can be obtained.

Charles E. Barnhardt House
6. Torrence Lytle School. Staff is endeavoring to establish contact with the previous prospective buyer to see if a mutually acceptable arrangement for the preservation of all or some portion of the property can be negotiated.
Click Here for Preservation Covenants
7. Charlotte Streetcar 85. Funds for the transport of Streetcar 85 to Charlotte have been encumbered. Staff is working with Sandy Carnegie, HLC Attorney, to finalize the lease of the Streetcar to Lakewood Trolley. Hopefully, the Streetcar will arrive in Charlotte on some date in July. Click Here for the Lease Agreement Click Here for Agreement with Savona

Charlotte Streetcar 85
8. Ingleside. Staff has been working to finalize arrangements for the purchase of Ingleside, 7225 Bud Henderson Road, Huntersville, N.C. The Projects Committee will have a recommendation to bring before the HLC later in this meeting. Staff has encumbered money to perform maintenance of the property. The Old Huntersville Historical Society is also assisting with maintenance.
Click Here For Photographs Of Ingleside
9. The owner of the McConnell House has filed a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the McConnell House, 4009 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. The Design Review Committee shall recommend that the demolition be delayed for 365 days, so that Staff can investigate preservation strategies.
10. Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Mt. Carmel Baptist Church at 412 Campus Street, Charlotte, has been cited by the Charlotte Code Enforcement Agency for numerous building violations. Sometimes these violations can result in an order for the demolition of the building. The building is owned by JCSU.
Click Here for S&R Report
11. Excelsior Club. The owner of the Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Road, has submitted a Certificate of Appropriateness application for the demolition of the Excelsior Club. The Design Review Committee shall recommend that the demolition be delayed for up to 365 days, so that preservation strategies can be investigated.

Excelsior Club
12. Reconnaissance Survey of Mid-Century Modern Architecture in Charlotte. The money to perform the Mid-Century Modern Architecture Survey has been encumbered.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Dan L. Morrill