1. Dowd House and former Charlotte Fire Station No. 10. The County has not yet determined how it will proceed with its plans to preserve the James C. Dowd House and Former Charlotte Fire Station Number Ten. There have been no significant developments since the HLC’s April Meeting. Staff has requested a meeting with County officials to discuss the future possibilities for Former Charlotte Fire Station No. 10.

Dowd House

Charlotte Fire Station No. 10
2. The Jerry and Tena Wallace House. Staff has received its appraisal of the property. The Due Diligence process will continue. A Survey and Research Report on the property will be presented later in this meeting.

Wallace House
3. Wadsworth House. Staff has received its appraisal on the property. Mark Miller is pursuing purchase of the property. The Projects Committee will present a recommendation on this property later in the meeting.

Wadsworth House
4. Wilmore School. City Council will vote on the designation of the property at its meeting on May 21st.

Wilmore School
5. Charles E. Barnhardt House. Restoration Work continues on the Charles E. Barnhardt House. The property is being actively marketed. Special thanks for the work of the Project Management Committee. The Projects Committee will present recommendations concerning this property later in the meeting.

Charles E. Barnhardt House
6. Torrence Lytle School. The Commission has approved a contract with a prospective buyer of the Torrence Lytle School. The Projects Committee will report later in this meeting on the current status of the contract.
7. Charlotte Streetcar 85. The Projects Committee will update the Commission on the status of the Lease of Streetcar 85 to Lakewood Trolley and the termination of the lease with the North Carolina Transportation Museum.

Charlotte Streetcar 85
8. Delburg Mill House. The Davidson Zoning Board of Adjustment approved a zoning variance that allows the owner to move ahead with the approved material alterations to the Delburg Mill House.
9. Ingleside. Staff has worked to ascertain the status of the property and has had on-going contact with the owner. The Projects Committee will have a recommendation concerning this property later in the meeting.
Click Here For Photographs Of Ingleside
10. Impending Demolition Of The McConnell House, 4009 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.
The owner of the McConnell House, a designated historic landmark, has filed for a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the house. The house is being severely impacted by a major widening of Beatties Ford Road.
The Design Review Committee will consider the Certificate of Appropriateness at its May meeting. Staff will recommend that the effective date of the Certificate of Appropriateness be delayed for 365 days from the date of issuance. Preservation North Carolina has visited the house. The owner has reportedly expressed a willingness to donate the house to anyone who will relocate it. Preservation North Carolina will keep HLC Staff advised about possible preservation solutions.
11. Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Mt. Carmel Baptist Church at 412 Campus Street, Charlotte, has been cited by the Charlotte Code Enforcement Agency for numerous building violations. Sometimes these violations can result in an order for the demolition of the building. The building is owned by JCSU.
Click Here for S&R Report
12. Huntersville Jail
Stewart Gray has worked with the Town of Huntersville in developing preservation strategies for the Huntersville Jail, a designated historic landmark. The Historic Landmarks Commission provides on-going professional advice to the communities it serves.
13. Reconnaissance Survey of Mid-Century Modern Architecture in Charlotte. The Commission has $10,000 of unencumbered funds in its Consultant Services Account for FY 2018. This money must be encumbered by early June. Staff recommends that this money be used to hire a consultant to initiate an update of a reconnaissance survey of portions of Charlotte that contain concentrations of mid-century modern architecture. The purpose would be to develop a contextual understanding of potential historic landmarks.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Dan L. Morrill