Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission


The Historic Landmarks Commission has five committees:

1.  Survey Committee.
  The Survey Committee formulates recommendations regarding the designation or removal of designation of historic landmarks and the conducting of surveys and inventories of the local historic built environment. The documentation for prospective historic landmarks is found in a Designation Report.
2.  Projects Committee.
  The Projects Committee formulates recommendations concerning the operations of the Commission’s revolving fund. 
Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee of the Commission is composed of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Projects Committee Chair. The Executive Committee acts as the Personnel Committee and has the power to make decisions as directed by the Commission. All personnel decisions are made by the Historic Landmarks Commission meeting in closed session.
4.  Nominating Committee.  The Nominating Committee selects a list of nominees for the elected officers of the Commission. Elected officers are: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
5.  Community Outreach CommitteeThe Community Outreach Committee concentrates on community outreach and educating the public on the Historic Landmarks Commission’s work.