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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

HLC Roster

Historic Landmarks Commission Roster 2024-2025

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC) is a Mecklenburg County department. The HLC has 12 members. The Board of County Commissioners appoints 6 members. The Charlotte City Council appoints 4 members. The Mayor of Charlotte appoints 2 members. All are appointed for 3-year terms and may be re-appointed for an additional 3-year term.

The Historic Landmarks Commission meets the second Monday night of each month at 6:00 p.m.

Any member of the public wishing to submit information to the HLC may do so using the contact information of the Staff and the Chair of the Commission at


1. Dontressa Ashford, Survey Committee Chair
Term: MAYOR – expires 07/16/2025 (eligible for reappointment)

2. Robert Barfield, HLC Vice Chair
Term: COUNTY – expires 07/31/2025 

3. Christina Benton
Term: CITY – expires 07/16/2027 (eligible for reappointment)

4. Lesley Carroll, HLC Treasurer
Term: COUNTY – expires 07/31/2027 

5. Andrew Dunn
Term: COUNTY – expires 07/31/2027 (eligible for reappointment)

6. Brian Clarke, HLC Chair
Phone: 704-426-3921 
Term: COUNTY – expires 07/31/2026 

7. Andra Eaves
Term: COUNTY – expires 07/31/2026 (eligible for reappointment)

8. Victoria Grey, HLC Secretary and Community Outreach Committee Chair
Term: COUNTY – expires 04/30/2025 (eligible for reappointment)

9. John Kincheloe
Term: CITY – expires 07/16/2027 (eligible for reappointment)

10. Emily Makas
Term: MAYOR – expires 06/30/2025 (eligible for reappointment)

11. Charlie Miller
Term: CITY – expires 07/16/2026 (eligible for reappointment)

12. Melanie Reddrick
Term: CITY – expires 07/16/2027 (eligible for reappointment)