Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Instructions and Access to March 10 HLC Meeting

The Historic Landmarks Commission will meet on Monday, March 10 at 6pm. The general public may attend the meeting in person or access the meeting remotely. If you need special accommodations, please contact the Historic Landmarks office at 980-314-7660 or

For those interested in speaking during the Public Comment Period of the meeting, please register by 1pm on March 10 by emailing: Note: Registration in advance is required to make public comments. 

Remote Access Information for the Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting:

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Meeting ID: 276 537 384 300

Passcode: Gf7iK9wJ

Dial in by phone

+1 704-672-5181,,664479782# United States, Charlotte

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Phone conference ID: 664 479 782#