Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Executive Committee Agenda – June 2019

June 28, 2019 – 7:30 a.m.

1.  Chair’s Report: Jeff Parsons

2.  Director’s Report: Dan Morrill

I have confirmed that any joint venture the HLC might enter into is still governed by the statutory requirements associated with the expenditure of public money even if a partner or partners spend private money.  In my judgment, this underscores the wisdom of focusing the HLC’s attention on securing easements and options to purchase in the future.

The flexibility of the HLC’s real estate projects has decreased greatly, and projects have become more costly since the the County Assets and Facilities Management Department has assumed greater administration control over the HLC real estate activities.

3.  Discussion of HLC Financial Assistance for the Stabilization of the Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, 412 Campus Street, Charlotte, N.C.

Johnson C. Smith University has submitted a request that the Historic Landmarks Commission contribute money toward the stabilization of the Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. 

4.  Discussion of the Status of the Wallace House Property, 9425 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte, N.C.

The owners of the Wallace House Property have proposed actions to test the environmental status of the property. The issue before the Committee is whether to recommend acceptance of what they propose to perform. 

5.  Consideration of Securing Consulting Services from Stefan Pienkny for Design Review

Stewart Gray, Senior Preservation Planner for the HLC, will be committing considerable time to major design review projects, such as the VanLandingham Estate, Independence Park, Edgewood Farm, and the Shaw House Property. Staff believes that the performance of routine design review activities needs the securing of consulting services. Stefan Pienkny, architect, has agreed to fill that position. The Committee needs to consider its recommendation regarding this potential new consulting position.

6.  Discussion of the Status of the Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.

A California investor is under contract to purchase the Excelsior Club and the two parcels of land adjoining it. At this date, it appears that the only involvement of the Historic Landmarks Commission will be to exercise its power of design review. However, I have talked with the realtor and have tentatively scheduled a meeting next week to discuss how the HLC might assist in considering preservation options for the property.

7.  Consideration of HLC Holding Covenants on Edgewood Farm, 11132 Eastfield Road, Charlotte, N.C., and the Shaw House Property, 2400 Mecklenburg Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.

Preserve Mecklenburg has secured a buyer for Edgewood Farm and is likely to secure a buyer for the Shaw House Property. Both buyers have agreed to place preservation deed covenants on a portion of the subject properties. The issue before the Executive Committee is to consider whether the HLC or some other institution should hold the covenants.

8.  Discussion of the Status of the Charles E. Barnhardt House, 3217 Maymont Place, Charlotte, N.C.

The Historic Landmarks Commission has received an offer to purchase the Charles E. Barnhardt House.  Mr. Tonsmeier has offered $550,000.  It is a cash offer with a quick close, and the prospective buyer has inspected the property.  Also, the Easlan Group, developers of the Cramer’s Pond neighborhood, has discussed with Staff possible acquisition and restoration of the Charles E. Barnhardt House in cooperation with Grandfather Homes.  

9.  Old Business

10.  New Business