1. Torrence Lytle School, 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C.
Letter from Laurel Street Developers
Tyson and Regina Bates, prospective buyers of the property, plan to bring an offer to the table in the near future. Staff has asked them to submit a business plan for their intent to establish a school in the buildings. The Commission Staff awaits the requested information.
A party has also expressed interest in acquiring the former Cafeteria Building. Staff has shown the building to the prospective buyer, but has not received an offer.
As stated at the last HLC meeting, Staff believes that it would be prudent to demolish the two 1950’s wing buildings at the Torrence Lytle School. Staff will be developing costs estimates and the potential impact upon the original school building of demolishing the wing buildings.
Action Item.
Staff recommends that the HLC approve applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the two wing buildings if the Projects Committee determines that the demolition will not adversely affect the physical integrity of the two wings and if the cost of demolition is acceptable to the HLC.
2. Ingleside, 7225 Bud Henderson Road, Huntersville, N.C.
HLC Staff continues to pursue a deliberate process to determine the best strategy to assure the long-term preservation of the property.
Stewart Gray is working with the Town of Huntersville to consider an amendment to the Huntersville zoning ordinance that will allow greater latitude for adaptive reuses of designated historic landmarks.
A prospective buyer is seriously considering purchasing Ingleside and is now performing due diligence. Staff anticipates that an offer might be forthcoming within the next month.
3. Patterson Grocery Store. 2515 Booker Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.

Patterson Grocery Store
Staff has contacted the owner of the Patterson Grocery to obtain an update on the status of the property. The owner has not yet responded. Staff will continue to endeavor to make contact.
The Survey Committee will consider placing the Patterson Grocery on the Study List of Prospective Landmarks at its meeting on January 16th.
4. Former Fire Station Number Ten, 2136 Remount Road, Charlotte, N.C., and the James C. Dowd House, 2216 Monument Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.
Mecklenburg County has requested that Staff meet with County officials to discuss strategies for the preservation of the properties. The meeting will occur on January 22nd.
5. McConnell House, 4009 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.

McConnell House
Martin Marietta has stated that the McConnell House must be moved. The Projects Committee has appointed William Hughes and Edwin Wilson to an ad-hoc committee to work with Staff to determine the cost of moving the house.
6. VanLandingham Estate, 2010 The Plaza, Charlotte, N.C.
The prospective buyer of the VanLandingham Estate continues to perform due diligence.
7. Mount Carmel Baptist Church, 412 Campus, Charlotte, N.C.

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church
William Hughes, Len Norman, and I met with City Code Enforcement staff and with University representatives to discuss the status of the property. The University is obtaining a structural report on the building and will share that with the City. A hearing before the City Housing Appeals Board is set for January 22nd.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Dan L. Morrill