January 7, 2019 – 6:00 p.m.
1. Chair’s Report: Len Norman
2. Director’s Report: Dan Morrill
a. HLC Revolving Fund Budget Report
b. Renewal of Listing with Eric Gamble of HM Properties for Charles E. Barnhardt House.
3. Update on Projects
a. Charles E. Barnhardt House, 3217 Maymont Place, Charlotte, N.C.

Charles E. Barnhardt House
Staff will report on the mold remediation status and bringing electrical service to the house.
b. Torrence Lytle School, 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C.
Staff will be gathering data on the cost and feasibility of demolishing the two wing buildings on the original building.
c. Ingleside, 7225 Bud Henderson Road, Huntersville, N.C.

Stewart Gray will be working with the Town of Huntersville to consider possible text amendments to the zoning ordinance giving greater latitude for development of historic landmarks.
Staff continues to negotiate with a prospective buyer of the property.
d. Wallace House, 9425 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte, N.C.

Wallace House
The due diligence period has been extended until May 1, 2019. Staff is securing estimates for environmental cleanup.
e. Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, 412 Campus Street, Charlotte, N.C.

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church
Staff is working with the City and Johnson C. Smith University to devise a preservation strategy for the property.
f. Dowd House and Former Charlotte Fire Station No. 10, 2216 Monument Street and 2136 Remount Road, Charlotte, N.C.

James C. Dowd House

Former Charlotte Fire Station #10
The County continues to consider qualifications of prospective buyers.
g. McConnell House, 4009 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.

McConnell House
Staff continues to work with ad hoc Committee to consider possible locations to which the house can be moved.
h. Charlotte Streetcar No. 85

Charlotte Streetcar 85
The technician to assess damage is scheduled to come to Charlotte on January 28th.
The following items will be considered in closed session.
4. Victor Shaw House, 2400 Mecklenburg Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.
The Committee will consider prospective purchase of the property.
5. Louise Cotton Mill Houses
The Committee will consider perspective purchase of two Louise Cotton Mill Houses.
6. Pecan Avenue Duplex, 1437 Pecan Avenue, Charlotte, N.C.
A prospective assignee for the Option to Purchase has been identified.
7. Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C.

Excelsior Club
Staff is awaiting the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by the owner.
8. Old Business
9. New Business