Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Prospective Historic Landmarks In Louise Mill Village

Method Of Selection:  1104 and 1108 Pamlico were selected because the owner has been contacted and has stated her willingness to sell.  In addition, the two houses are adjacent to the Louise Mill.

The other houses were selected because they are owner-occupied and have essential physical integrity.

1.  1104 Pamlico Street

2.  1108 Pamlico Street

3.  1121 Pamlico Street

4.  1204 Pamlico Street

5.  1104 Louise Avenue

6.  1108 Louise Avenue

7.  1200 Louise Avenue

8.  1228 Louise Avenue

9.  1217 Louise Avenue

10.  1233 Louise Avenue

11. 1204 Pegram Street

12.  1208 Pegram Street