Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission

Director’s Report — April 9, 2018

1.  Dowd House and former Charlotte Fire Station No. 10.  The County has not yet determined how it will proceed with its plans to preserve the James C. Dowd House and Former Charlotte Fire Station Number Ten.  Staff anticipates that a meeting with County staff will occur soon to discuss the issue.

2.  The Jerry and Tena Wallace House. Staff has ordered an appraisal on the property.  The HLC is under contract to purchase the property and is performing due diligence.

3.  Wadsworth House.  Staff has ordered an appraisal on the property.

4.  Wilmore School.  The Public Hearing with the Charlotte City Council to consider the designation of the Wilmore School, 428 West Boulevard, Charlotte, as a historic landmark will occur in April.

5. Charles E. Barnhardt House.   Restoration Work continues on the Charles E. Barnhardt House.   Special thanks for the work of the Project Management Committee.  The Projects Committee considered the prospect of recommending purchase of an adjoining lot but decided not to pursue acquisition of the lot.

Staff has been discussing the issue of the roof.  Approximately $15,000 has been spent on a tarp, because the simulated wood roof composed of terracotta leaks.  The tarp will only last a few months, so if the house does not sell quickly, the HLC will have to repair the existing tarp or replace it.  Eric Gamble, the realtor, believes the tarp will not adversely affect the sale and that replacing it is premature.

Peter Wasmer, Project Manager, estimates that an asphalt shingle roof will cost no more than $50,000.  Staff believes that the asphalt roof would protect the house and increase its marketability.  Staff reckons that it would prudent to have the buyer decide whether he or she wants to replace the asphalt roof.  That would be preferable and more cost effective than offering a roof credit to a buyer.  There is enough money in the funds recognized by the County Commission to install the asphalt roof.  Would this not be the wisest path to follow?  A terracotta roof would cost approximately $250,000, and the HLC would have to seek recognition of additional money by the Board of County Commissioners.  This matter will have to be considered in closed session.

6.  Torrence Lytle School.  The Commission has received an offer to purchase the Torrence Lytle School.  

7.  Charlotte Streetcar 85.  Lakewood Trolley has submitted a proposal to lease Streetcar 85, which is currently leased to the North Carolina Transportation Museum.  This matter will be considered in closed session.

8.  Delburg Mill House.  
 Staff is working with the Town of Davidson to secure a zoning variance on the property.

9.  Ingleside.  Staff has learned that Ingleside on Bud Henderson Road is going into foreclosure.  The Commission purchased the house many years ago and placed preservation covenants in the deed.  Consequently, the house is protected.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Dan L. Morrill