March 6, 2018 – 8:00 a.m.
1. Chair’s Report: Mark Miller
2. Director’s Report: Dan Morrill
a. February 2018 Revolving Fund Report
3. Update on Former Fire Station Ten/Dowd House Project: Dan Morrill

Dowd House

Fire Station No. 10
Staff Comment. The County continues to consider options for the future status of the Dowd House and Former Fire Station No. 10. No action by the Committee is necessary at this time. Representatives of the Camp Greene Neighborhood have requested to address the Historic Landmarks Commission about this issue at the March 12th meeting of the HLC.
4. Update on Charles E. Barnhardt House Restoration: Peter Wasmer and Project Management Committee

Charles E. Barnhardt House
Staff Comment. Peter Wasmer and the Project Management Committee are overseeing this project. Staff appreciates the expertise that Tom Egan, Garrett Nelson, and Laura Hoover are devoting to this effort. Staff also thanks Peter Wasmer for his service.
5. Status Report On Charlotte Streetcar 85: Dan Morrill

Charlotte Streetcar 85

Belmont Trolley Cart

Charlotte Trolley Cart
Staff Comment. The Historic Landmarks Commission has voted to spend up to $30,000 to secure a generator and associated materials to power Charlotte Streetcar 85, which is currently leased to the North Carolina Transportation Museum. The Museum is hoping to have Streetcar 85 operational by the end of 2018. Lakewood Trolley is also wanting to have Streetcar 85 returned to Charlotte.
Chris Allen at Staff’s request has developed a revised budget which would require the HLC to approve the expenditure of additional money.
6. Discussion Of Prospective Purchase Of The Wadsworth House, 400 South Summit Ave., Charlotte: Dan Morrill and Sandy Carnegie. This matter must be discussed in closed session.

Wadsworth House
7. Discussion Of The Prospective Purchase Of The Wallace Cabin, 9425 Robinson Church Road, Charlotte: Dan Morrill and Sandy Carnegie. This matter must be discussed in closed session.
Click Here For Exterior Images of Cabin

Wallace Cabin

Wallace Cabin

Wallace Cabin

Wallace Cabin
8. Old Business
9. New Business