1. Edward Rozzel House, 11647 Old Rozzels Ferry Road, Charlotte, N.C. Staff has met with Bobbie Mabe, who has stated her desire to lease the Edward Rozzel Farm for five years. She would establish a business there to teach people to grow and market produce. Staff understands that there are many details that must be addressed, e.g. rezoning, But Staff believes there are compelling reasons to give the idea serious consideration. First, the house is being vandalized, and there is every reason to believe that this circumstance will continue. In short, the status quo is not acceptable. Second, Ms. Mabe has expressed her willingness to put “sweat equity” into the restoration of the house. It is true that the Commission would have to bring the house up to code to allow a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued. But Staff believes that entering into a lease with Ms. Mabe would be the most cost effective means to assure the preservation of the historic home. Third, placing a “teaching farm” on the property would advance the “public good.” Fourth, time will likely increase the market value of the property. Staff would appreciate your reaction to the issue of continuing to negotiate with Ms. Mabe toward the end of putting this plan into place.
2. Delburg Cotton Mill House, 303 Delburg St., Davidson, N.C. Peter Wasmer, Project Manager, is working with the architect to complete the plans for bidding. These plans will be brought to the Design Review Committee and the Historic Landmarks Commission in the near future.
3. Torrence-Lytle School. 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C. Staff anticipates that the prospective buyer of the property will present her offer at the March 14th meeting of the HLC. Staff will refer this offer to the Assets and Facilities Management Department of the County for review and comment. The Commission does have the option to reject the offer at this meeting and move ahead with the first phase of the restoration of the property.
4. General Motors New Style Bus 1074. Clarke Power Co. continues to work on restoration of the bus. The next step will be to drive the bus to Mooresville where a new air conditioning system will be installed. Staff has met with the Charlotte Area Transit System to discuss a possible cooperative arrangement with CATS. The initial response was positive. Staff will be working with the HLC attorney to draft an agreement between CATS and the HLC. The County is providing insurance coverage. Click here for a video on the Charlotte GM New Look Bus.
5. Outen Pottery, 403 Jefferson St., Matthews, N.C. Improvements to the property are underway. The Town of Matthews has agreed to perform landscaping in the immediate vicinity of the kiln and the workshop. The process of the deed covenants on the property declared null and void continutes. Peter Wasmer is the Project Manager of the physical changes to the property. The Outen Pottery Task Force continues to meet, and Staff has developed a video explaining the significance of the site. Click For Photos of Cleanup. Click here for a video highlighting the Outen Pottery.
6. Phillips House and Morris Barn,131 West Charles Street, Matthews, N.C. The Commission owns the property. Staff has met with officials of the Town of Matthews to discuss preservation strategies for the property. Staff believes that it will be most important for the Commission to work closely with the Town of Matthews in determining how best to assure the long term preservation of the property. The plan is for the Commission and the Town to build community consensus for the establishment of parameters that any buyer of the property must satisfy. Then a Request For Proposals would be submitted to developers.
7. William Grier House. Douglas International Airport owns this house. Staff has met with Airport officials and will to consider perservation strategies.
8. Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Campus St., Charlotte, N.C. Discussions continue on how the Commission might participate in the preservation of the Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, a designated historic landmark.
9. Thrift Piedmont and Northern Depot. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has moved the depot to land purchased by NCDOT. The State has informed Staff that it will not need financial assistance from the HLC to complete the project. Click Here For Photos.
10. Dicussions are occurring regularly with County officials about project management. The County is being most helpful in assisting the Commission in developing its budget request for the upcoming fiscal year.
11. Walter’s Barbershop, 114 Main Street, Huntersville, N.C. Stewart Gray has been preparing the Survey and Research Report, so that the designation of the property can move forward. Staff has met with officials of the Town of Huntersville to discuss the project.
12. Streetcar 85. The Streetcar was moved on March 9th to the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer, N.C. The Commission will be responsible for securing a generator and a cart to power the Streetcar. Click Here For Photos.
13. Atherton Cotton Mill House. 2005 Cleveland Ave., Charlotte, N.C. The owner of the Atherton Cotton Mill House has contacted the Commission and wishes to reactivate the contract with the Historic Landmarks Commission. The Commission has voted to make an offer on the house subject to approval of a text amendment to the zoning ordinance that will allow the front porch to be reconstructed. A hearing on that subject will occur before the Charlotte City Council on March 21st. This matter will be placed on the agenda for tonight’s meeting.
14. Staff has met with the County Assets and Facilities Management Department to finalize the operational budget for the HLC for the upcoming year. The budget requires no additional funding, but the budget items have been adjusted to reflect more accurately the activities of the Commission. A copy of the budget request has been distributed. Please contact Staff if you have any questions.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan L. Morrill