1. Richard Rozzel House, 11647 Old Rozzels Ferry Road, Charlotte, N.C. The prospective buyer of the Richard Rozzel House has withdrawn the offer to purchase. Staff has contacted individuals who were interested in farming the property. Staff will also develop other preservation solutions.
2. Delburg Cotton Mill House, 303 Delburg St., Davidson, N.C. The prospective buyer of the Delburg Cotton Mill House did not accept the counteroffer presented by the Commission and declined to continue negotiations. Staff will move ahead with restoring the house.
3. Torrence-Lytle School. 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C. The Commission voted to delay moving forward with approved improvements of the buildings it owns until the March meeting of the HLC. The Town of Huntersville has passed a resolution asking the Commission to move ahead with the approved rehabiltation of the property. The Town of Huntersville will not participate financially. Another prospective buyer has contacted staff. Staff will report on the situation at the March HLC Meeting.
4. General Motors New Style Bus 1074. Clarke Power Co. has obtained a new refurbished engine for the bus and is moving forward with installation. The next step will be to drive the bus to Mooresville where a new air conditioning system will be installed. Staff is scheduling meetings with the Charlotte Area Transit System to discuss a possible cooperative arrangement with CATS. Staff will also be discussing insurance for the bus and on-going maintenance. Click For Photograph Of New Motor.
5. Outen Pottery, 403 Jefferson St., Matthews, N.C. Improvements to the property are underway. Also, at its December meeting the HLC approved taking action to render the deed covenants on the property null and void. Peter Wasmer is the Project Manager of the physical changes to the property. The Outen Pottery Task Force continues to meet, and Staff has developed a video explaining the significance of the site.
6. Phillips House and Morris Barn,131 West Charles Street, Matthews, N.C. The Commission owns the property. The current occupant died last month. Staff will be developing preservation strategies for presentation to the Commission.
7. William Grier House. Douglas International Airport owns this house. Staff will be actively pursuing meetings with Airport officials to develop a preservation strategy for the property.
8. Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Campus St., Charlotte, N.C. Discussions continue on how the Commission might participate in the preservation of the Former Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, a designated historic landmark.
9. Thrift Piedmont and Northern Depot. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has moved the depot to land purchased by NCDOT. The State does not have the money needed to complete the restoration of the building and is asking the Historic Landmarks Commission to finish the job. Details will be provided when available.
10. Dicussions are occurring regularly with County officials about project management. It is clear that the projects undertaken by the Historic Landmarks Commission will hereafter be reviewed more closely by the County, especially in terms of profit or loss.
11. The prospective buyers of the three lots owned by the HLC on Avalon Ave. behind the McQuay House have submitted a contract for purchasing the three lots.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan L. Morrill