1. Edward Rozzel House, 11647 Old Rozzels Ferry Road, Charlotte, N.C. A prospective buyer of the Edward Rozzel House has come forward. Staff and Len Norman are involved in negotiations. Staff is also maintaining contact with Bobbie Mabe, a prospective lessee of the property.
2. Delburg Cotton Mill House, 303 Delburg St., Davidson, N.C. The Design Review Committee is recommending approval of plans for the restoration and expansion of the house. The Commission will consider this issue as a regular agenda item.
3. Torrence-Lytle School. 302 Holbrooks Road, Huntersville, N.C. Staff is moving forward with the approved environmental cleanup of all buildings owned by the HLC and with stabilizing the original school building. The Projects Committee is recommending entering into an agreement with a prospective buyer. The Commission will consider this issue as a regular agenda item.
4. General Motors New Style Bus 1074. Clarke Power Co. continues to work on restoration of the bus. The job will be completed by the end of this week. Staff is working on a draft of an agreement between the Commission and CATS regarding storage, maintenance, and use of the bus. The bus will initially be moved to the CATS garage for use in a Bus Rodeo in May. It will then be driven to Mooresville for the installation of air conditioning. Click here for a video on the Charlotte GM New Look Bus.
5. Outen Pottery, 403 Jefferson St., Matthews, N.C. Improvements to the property continue. Peter Wasmer is the Project Manager of the physical changes to the property. The Outen Pottery Task Force continues to meet, and Staff has developed a video explaining the significance of the site. Click For Photos of Cleanup. Click here for a video highlighting the Outen Pottery.
6. Phillips House and Morris Barn,131 West Charles Street, Matthews, N.C. The Design Review Committee will be recommending funding of a joint study with the Town of Matthews of possible uses of the property. If approved, this study will contain information to be included in a Request For Proposals sent to prospective buyers of the property. The Commission will consider that issue as a regular agenda item.
7. William Grier House. Douglas International Airport owns this house. Staff has met with Airport officials and will consider perservation strategies. There have been no developments since the last meeting of the Historic Landmarks Commission.
8. Thrift Piedmont and Northern Depot. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has moved the depot to land purchased by NCDOT. The State continues to refurbish the building. Click Here For Photos.
9. Dicussions are occurring regularly with County officials about project management. Staff has worked with the Commission in developing a due diligence matrix.
10. Walter’s Barbershop, 114 Main Street, Huntersville, N.C. Staff is processing the property for historic landmark designation. A public hearing will occur during the regular agenda. Due diligence continues.
11. Streetcar 85. The Streetcar was moved on March 9th to the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer, N.C. The Commission will be responsible for securing a generator and a cart to power the Streetcar. Click Here For Photos.
12. Atherton Cotton Mill House. 2005 Cleveland Ave., Charlotte, N.C. The owner of the Atherton Cotton Mill House has contacted the Commission and wishes to reactivate the contract with the Historic Landmarks Commission. The Commission has voted to make an offer on the house subject to approval of a text amendment to the zoning ordinance that will allow the front porch to be reconstructed. A hearing on that subject occurred before the Charlotte City Council on March 21st. City Council will make a decision in April. Due diligence continues.
13. Len Norman and Dr. Morrill met with the County Executive Team to advocate $2 million of replenishment money for the HLC Revolving Fund. The County Manager will present her recommended budget to the Board of County Commissioners in May. It is clear that the County leadership wants the Historic Landmarks Commission to pay special attention to the economic viability of Revolving Fund projects.
14. McQuay House. In accordance with Commission policies, the Commission’s Right of First Refusal to purchase the McQuay House on Tuckaseegee Road has been waived.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan L. Morrill